Faculty of Language, Literature and Humanities - RUEG

Outreach - Literally diverse!

Poster series, register wheel, and a short film on registers


Poster series on heritage languages and multilingualism
Public science events
Workshops, talks and publications for the general public
Outreach networks
Short film on registers
Media Station "Kiezdeutsch und Mehrsprachigkeit"


Poster series on heritage languages and multilingualism
  • series of posters for exhibitions in educational contexts (in preparation)
  • taking a closer look at myths and biases about registers, language change and multilingualism
  • based on cartoons
  • teaming up with Dr. Nadja Hermann (erzaehlmirnix, Link to twitter) to transfer  conclusions from our research results in her signature style


Comments on twitter




Public science events


Familiensprachenstark! - 29.03.2023



Capturing our Sound(scapes) - 21.02.2022 & 26.09.2022

The creative project Capturing our sound(scapes) - diverse linguistic landscapes in our schools focuses on linguistic diversity in schools and its potentials. On Mother Tongue Day, 21.02.2022, the project was launched and on European Day of Languages, 26.09.2022, RUEG and LUD invite to Humboldt Lab for a theme day on multilingualism at schools.


On the occasion of the European Day of Languages, RUEG and LUD turn the Humboldt Lab into a place of multilingualism and its research in action.

With the Project “Capturing our sound(scapes) – vielfältige Sprachlandschaften an unseren Schulen, students and teachers captured the linguistic diversity in their schools. Join us for the presentation of the best projects and get inspired by multilingual teaching and educational materials at information booths.

In her talk, Prof. Dr. Rosemarie Tracy will illustrate how valuable multilingualism is for both learners and teachers. A panel discussion will approach the question of why and how multilingualism and its appreciation should be integrated more into lessons and curricula.

Find all information and free tickets hier.





Poetry Reading

"Written City: Poetics and Urban Form" A transatlantic poetry reading with Greg Nissan


Mother Language Day 2020

  • "Marketplace Multilingualism - Literally diverse!" (see photos and press prelease)
  • invited practitioners from education and politics
  • experiments, discussions, films, giveaways


Berlin Long Night of Science 2019

Edutainment on multilingualism and heritage languages, including:

  • discussion game “Turkish or French?“ on heritage language education at school, published in PlayDecide, game kit 167331
  • RERA, the register wheel of fortune


Berlin Long Night of Science 2018




Workshops, talks and publications for the general public


Allen, Shanley (P2); Tracy, Rosemarie (P5) & Zerbian, Sabine (P7). "Warum sich Sprachen verändern und was das mit uns - ihren Sprecherinnen und Sprechern - zu tun hat". Workshop at AIM Bildungskonferenz, Heilbronn, May 10-11, 2019.

Schroeder, Christoph (P4). "Herkunftssprachlicher Unterricht", GAL-Sektionentagung, Halle (Saale), September 19-20, 2019.

Woerfel, Till, Almut Küppers & Christoph Schroeder (P4). 2020. (Mehr)Sprachenprofile digital gestützt nutzen und ausbauen. Contribution to the RfM Debate 2020: „Drei Sprachen sind genug fürs Abitur! Ein Reformvorschlag für den Abbau der Diskriminierung von mehrsprachig Aufgewachsenen bei Schulabschlüssen“. (Debattenbeitrag)

Wiese, Heike (P6/Pd). "Vielfalt als Normalfall: Wandel und Integration in der Sprache". Lüneburger Wandelwoche, Lüneburg, October 24, 2019.

Wiese, Heike (P6/Pd). "Mehrsprachigkeit, Sprachkontakt, Sprachmischung", Salon Berlin-Kreuzberg, Berlin, September 27, 2019.




Outreach networks

In Manchester during the founding of MCM
University Public Engagement with Urban Multilingualism conference (2019)

RUEG participates in larger outreach networks:





Happy birthday, W.! - short film on registers

Visitors at the premiere of "Happy birthday, W.!" on Mother Language Day, 2020

Download with english subtitles, 5 mins, 200 MB.


Summary: A young actress prepares before a film shooting. While waiting, she receives birthday calls from different people: her grandparents, a friend, an important sponsor, and her boyfriend she had previously argued with. Even though she talks about a similar topic (her birthday) with everyone, she does this differently, depending on the interlocutor, using different languages, dialects and styles, and also different body language. (Not wanting to speak also plays a special role.)




Media Station "Kiezdeutsch und Mehrsprachigkeit"


On display at the Humboldt Labor




