P10 Dynamics of verbal aspect and (pro)nominal reference in language contact
Artemis Alexiadou, Berlin | Natalia Gagarina, Berlin | Luka Szucsich, Berlin
This project investigates the dynamics of verbal aspect and (pro)nominal reference in the three heritage (h) languages of RUEG, namely h-Greek, h-Russian and h-Turkish in Germany and the U.S., compared to majority Greek, majority Russian and majority Turkish, within the new Joint Ventures of RUEG2:
(i) What linguistic developments characterize heritage speakers’ strategies for the expression of verbal aspect/aspectuality and (pro)nominal reference? (→ JV4)
(ii) What role do different communicative situations play for the development and use of linguistic means for the expression of verbal aspect/aspectuality and (pro)nominal reference? (→ JV5)
(iii) How does language contact impact the emergence of new linguistic means and patterns related to the expression of verbal aspect/aspectuality and (pro)nominal reference? (→ JV6)
The two empirical domains, verbal aspect and (pro)nominal reference, turned out to be especially promising areas for further investigation during RUEG1, as preliminary findings in RUEG1 data proved that they are open to new developments in the speakers’ repertoires in all three heritage languages. The two areas seem particularly interesting for the overall aims of RUEG2, as they involve a reorganization of two linguistic domains which affect, on the one hand, the core grammatical system (internal interface), and, on the other hand, the external interface between morphosyntax and pragmatics (information structure and discourse organization).
Cooperation Partners
Tanja Anstatt (U Bochum), Angeliek van Hout (U Groningen), Terje Lohndal (Trondheim), Ianthi Tsimpli (Cambridge) and Spyridoula Varlokosta (Athens)
PhD Students
Student Assistants
Daria Alkhimchenkova, Nina Bredereck, Mariya Burbelko, Nisa Büyükyıldırım, Ioanna Kolokytha, Zeynep Özal, Panagiota Papavasileiou, Gvantsa Rukhiashvili