Dr. Sophia Döring
Sophia DöringResearch assistant
Sophia DöringResearch assistant
- Döring, Sophia (2016). "Modal Particles, Discourse Structure and Common Ground Management. Theoretical and Empirical Aspects". Dissertation. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
- Döring, Sophia & Repp, Sophie (to appear): "The modal particles ja and doch and their interaction with discourse structure: Corpus and experimental evidence". In: von Wietersheim, S. (ed.): Information Structure and Semantic Processing. Berlin: de Gruyter.
- Döring, Sophia (2014): "How modal particles and discourse relations interact: Empirical evidence". In: Proceedings of ConSOLE XXII.
- Döring, Sophia (2013). "Modal particles and context shift". In: Gutzmann, D., Gärtner, H.M. (eds.): Beyond expressives: Explorations in use-conditional meaning. Leiden: Brill, 95-123.
- Döring, Sophia (2012)."The focus sensitivity of sentence adverbs." In: Proceedings of ConSOLE XIX 201: 214-228.
Conference papers
- "The Influence of Modal Particles on Common Ground and Discourse Coherence", Pragmasophia, Lissabon (09/2018)
- "German ja and doch: common ground management and interaction with discourse structure." Workshop Particles and the Dimensions of Meaning, Nijmegen (06/2017)
- "Modal Particles and their Influence on Discourse Structure." 39. DGfS Jahrestagung, Saarbrücken (03/2017)
- "The Interplay of Modal Particles and Discourse Relations", ESSLLI 2013, Workshop on "Discourse Coherence, Information Structure, and Implicatures", Düsseldorf (08/2013)
- "Modal particles and information structure: The case of doch". Mit Beate Bergmann, Markus Egg, SFB 632, Informationsstruktur, Workshop, Wittenberg (06/2012)
- "The Focus-Sensitivity of Sentence Adverbs", ConSOLE XIX, Groningen (01/2011)
- "Context Shift in German Discourse Particles", 31. DGfS Jahrestagung, Osnabrück (03/2009)
- "Kontextverschiebung bei deutschen Diskurspartikeln", Generative Grammatik des Südens, Berlin (05/2008)
- "Modal particles and discourse coherence: Corpus and experimental evidence." With Sophie Repp. Linguistic Evidence, Tübingen (02/2014)
- "The Interaction between Modal Particles and Discourse Coherence: Empirical Evidence", ConSOLE XXII, Lissabon (01/2014)
- "Modal Particles in Discourse", Euro-XPrag Masterclass, UCL London (05/2013)
- modal particles and expressive meaning
- common ground and context dependency
- discourse structure and discourse coherence
- information structure
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Institut für deutsche Sprache und Linguistik
Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft
Dorotheenstraße 24
10117 Berlin
Postal address: Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin