Faculty of Language, Literature and Humanities - RUEG

Publications and Presentations

Press release
Symposia and workshops
Talks and posters
PhD films



Press release: Mother Language Day 2022

On the occasion of Mother Language Day 2022, RUEG (hu.berlin/rueg) publishes a press release on recent contributions in Frontiers in Psychology on the Research Topic "The Notion of the Native Speaker Put to the Test: Recent Research Advances". Our research shows that one can have more than one first language. It offers an empirically based new perspective on mother languages, multilingualism and its potentials.

Please find the press release as PDF here and the link to the offical PR website of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.



PhD students Esther Jahns and Martin Klotz in Alberta (ISB 12)Symposia and workshops


Workshop: AG14 "Exploring novel and routine patterns in heritage language narratives". German Linguistics Society (DGFS), 45nd annual conference, 2023
Organizers: Mareike Keller, Nadine Zürn, Kalliopi Katsika, Johanna Tausch

07.-10.03.2023, Köln, Germany

Workshop: "Do we practice what we preach? The construction of multilinguals as Others in public discourse and academia”. 11.07.2022. Humboldt-Forum, Berlin, Germany.

Workshop: "Variation in heritage languages: Language contact vs. internal developments". German Linguistics Society (DGfS), 42nd annual conference, 2020
Organizers: Maria Martynova, Tatiana Pashkova, Vicky Rizou, Yulia Zuban

03.-06.03.2021, Hamburg, Germany


Theme Session: "The Dynamics of Heritage Speakers: a Comparative View". International Symposium on Bilingualism 12

Chairs: Shanley Allen, Artemis Alexiadou, Heike Wiese
June 23-28 2019, Alberta, Canada




Talks and posters


Iefremenko, K. Göçmen Türkçesinde Cümle Birleştirme: Pilot Çalışma. 33. Ulusal Dilbilim Kurultayı. 03.-04.05.18, Dokuz Eylül Unıversity, Izmir, Turkey.

Wiese, H. Youth in the city: the dynamics of urban diversity. Invited talk, MEITS Workshop „Youth languages. The age of maturity?". 07.-08.06.18, Paris, France.

Schroeder, C. The word in Turkish heritage writing. SIG Writing 2018, Symposium: The Written Word Unit in Multilingual Texts. 29.-31.08.2018, Antwerp, Belgium.

Schroeder, C. The post-verbal position in heritage Turkish in Germany: Focus on register. EuroSLA, Colloquium Turkish Heritage Speakers in Germany. 05. – 08.09.2018, Münster, Germany.

Wiese, H. Variation and change in the NP: insights from multilingual settings. Workshop on Definiteness, negation and the noun phrase. 13.-14.09.18, Cambridge, UK.

Bunk, O. The limits of left peripheral variation in German (Poster). 1st International Workshop on “Language Comparison and Typology: German and the Mediterranean languages” (IWLCT1). 12.10.18, Humboldt Universität, Berlin, Germany.

Wiese, Heike. German DPs across multilingual settings. Invited talk, Deutsch-Mittelmeerisches Netzwerk Sprachwissenschaft (DeMiNeS). 12.10.18, Berlin, Germany.

Wiese, H., & Freywald, U. Sprachliche Variabilität im hochdiversen urbanen Raum: Anything goes? (Poster). Urban Language Research. 28.-31.10.18, Graz, Austria.

Lüdeling A. Researching heritage language: Challenges in the acquisition and annotation of a multi-lingual, multi-register heritage language corpus. 13.11.2018, University of Texas, Austin, TX, USA.  

Dirim, İ. & Wiese, H. Wer gehört zu uns, wer nicht? Der Kontrast zwischen dem sprachlichen „Wir“ und den „Anderen“. Invited talk, Symposium „Languages in Contrast. Linguistic, acquisitional and ethnographical approaches. 16.-17.11.18, Universität Potsdam, Germany.

Iefremenko, K. Clause combining and word order in heritage Turkish across majority languages (Poster). Languages in Contrast - Linguistic, acquisitional and ethnographical approaches. 16.-17.11.2018, Universität Potsdam, Germany.

Gagarina, N., & Martynova, M. Welche Sprachen sollen Migranten mit ihren Kindern in der Familie sprechen? Evidenzbasierte Ergebnisse aus der Linguistik. 5. Jahrestagung für Migrations- und Integrationsforschung in Österreich, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. 06.-07.12.18, Vienna, Austria.

Wiese, H. Language variation: insights from multilingual settings. Invited talk, Linguistics colloquium series, 28.01.19, Yale University, New Heaven, CT, USA.

Schroeder, C., & Iefremenko, K. The postverbal position in heritage Turkish in Germany: Focus on register (Poster). 4th workshop on Turkic and languages in contact with Turkic. 16.-17.02.19, New York, USA.

Wiese, H., Freywald, U., & Neuhaus, K. Tackling deficit-oriented views on multilingualism: some transfer examples from Germany. University public engagement with urban multilingualism: A conversational conference. 19.-22.02.19, Manchester, UK.

Wiese, H. Multilinguals, monolinguals, and registers: comparing like with like. Invited talk, Sociolinguistic Lectures Cocktail Series, 05.04.19, Köln, Germany

Alexiadou, A. Nominal modification in language contact situations. Frankfurt Colloquium. 23.04.19, Goethe Universität, Frankfurt, Germany.

Alexiadou, A. Nominal morphology in language mixing. Kickoff workshop CAS. 23.05.19, Oslo, Norway.

Alexiadou, A. Language in motion. Tedx Athens. 01.06.19, Athens, Greece.

Schroeder, C. Sprache(n) und Türkçemiz („unser Türkisch“) in der Türkei. Gastvorlesung Freie Universität, Institut für Turkologie. 13.06.19, Berlin, Germany.  

Alexiadou, A. Sprachwandel und Sprachkontakt. Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften, Leibniz Gemeinschaft. 15.06.2019, Berlin, Germany.

Alexiadou, A.  Wiese, H., & Jahns, E. Emerging Grammars in Heritage Speakers‘ language use. International Symposium on Bilingualism 12 (ISB12). 23.-28.06.2019, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.

Allen, S.E.M. & Wiese, H. The dynamics of heritage speakers: A comparative view. International Symposium on Bilingualism 12 (ISB12). 23.-28.06.2019, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.

Lüdeling A., Klotz, M. & Krause, T. A structured multi-layer register corpus of heritage languages and majority languages. International Symposium on Bilingualism 12 (ISB12). 23.-28.06.2019, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.

Pashkova, T., Zuban, Y., Rizou, V., Alexiadou, A., Zerbian, S. & Allen, S.E.M. Emerging grammars for referent introduction in heritage speakers’ two languages. International Symposium on Bilingualism 12 (ISB12). 23.-28.06.2019, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.

Schroeder, C, Gagarina, N., Szucsich, L., Tracy R., Wiese, H., Tsehaye, W. Bunk, O., Iefremenko, K., & Martynova, Maria. 'Left and right sentence peripheries in heritage speakers’ language use. International Symposium on Bilingualism 12 (ISB12). 23.-28.06.2019, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.

Martynova, M., Gagarina, N., & Szucsich, L. Verbstellung im Heritage-Russischen im Kontakt mit dem Deutschen und Englischen. 13. Deutscher Slavistentag. 24.-26.06.19, Trier, Germany.

Tracy, R. Germanic sisters online: competition, cooperation and co-production. German(ic) in language contact: Grammatical and sociolinguistic dynamics (CFP). 03.07.2019, Berlin, Germany.

Schroeder, C., & Iefremenko, K. The post-verbal position in Turkish in two contact settings: Turkish-German bilinguals in Germany and Turkish-Kurdish bilinguals in Turkey. Workshop Turkish in Europe. 12.07.2019, Universität Hildesheim, Germany.

Zerbian, S. & Böttcher, M. Stressed Pronouns in German mono- and bilingual Speech (Poster). International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. 04.08-10.08.19, Melbourne, Australia.

Wiese, H., & Bunk, O. Pragmatic markers in progress. 52. Annual Meeting, Societas Linguistica Europaea; Workshop “Pragmatic Markers and Clause Peripheries”. 21.-23.08.19, Leipzig, Germany.

Iefremenko, K. Placement of the locational goal elements in KurmanjiKurdish in contact with Turkish. 4th International Conference on Kurdish Linguistics. 02.-03.09.2019, University of Rouen, France.

Wiese, H. Urban contact dialects: A comparative view. 12th UK Language Variation and Change Conference. 03.-05.09.19, London, UK.

Gagarina, N. Wenn man glaubt, eine Herkunftssprache zu können, sie aber doch nicht beherrscht: Ein Rätsel für Linguistik und Fachdidaktik? Herkunftssprachen in Linguistik und Fachdidaktik: Forschung trifft Praxis. 06.-07.09.2019, Universität Leipzig, Germany.

Schroeder, C. Gibt es ein Deutschland-Türkisch. Herkunftssprachen in Linguistik und Fachdidaktik: Forschung trifft Praxis. 6.-7.09.19, Universität Leipzig, Germany.

Tsehaye, W. Variation and change in the NP: insights from multilingual settings. Workshop on ‚Definiteness, negation and the noun phrase‘. 13.-14.09.2019 University of Cambridge, UK.

Lüdeling, A., Krause, T., & Klotz, T, & Hartz, G. Challenges of Multi-Layer Corpus Design and Annotation for a Multi-Lingual Register Study. Workshop Annotation of Non-Standard Corpora. 16.09.19, Universität Bamberg, Germany.

Alexiadou, A. Language choice in multilingual research. ENROPE intensive study week. 17.09.19, Humboldt Universität, Berlin.

Alexiadou, A. Language and migration. 1st interdisciplinary conference, Migrations: interdisciplinary challenges. 19.09.19, Rethmyno, Greece.

Rizou, V. Verbal aspect in Heritage Greek across majority languages. Workshop on Immigrant Languages in the Americas (WILA10). 10.-12.10.19, Østfold University College, Halden, Norway.

Schroeder, C., & Iefremenko, K. 'Post-verbal position in heritage Turkish in the U.S. and Germany. Workshop on Immigrant Languages in the Americas (WILA10). 10.-12.10.19, Østfold University College, Halden, Norway.

Martynova, M. Verbstellung im Heritage-Russischen in Deutschland und den USA: Wandel vs. Transfer. Kolloquium Slawistische Linguistik. 21.10.19, Berlin, Germany.

Bunk, O. Variation im Vorfeld. Invited guest talk, Seminar: Analyse deutscher Satzstrukturen von Marianna Lohmann. 20.11.2019, Universität Potsdam, Germany.

Wiese, H. Multilingualism as normalcy: exploring the gamut of language use. Invited talk, Sociolinguistics Series, 21.11. 2019, Leiden, Netherlands.

Labrenz, A. Emerging Grammars: Capturing and investigating linguistic variation between monolinguals and bilingual heritage speakers. Fieldwork: methods and theory. 14.-15.12.19, Göteborgs Universitet, Göteborg, Sweden.

Wiese, H. & Purkarthofer, J. Social cohesion between us and them – Language as a proxy for the construction of difference. Invited talk, Workshop Linguistic diversity and social cohesion in urban spaces. 17.02.20, Berlin, Germany.

Martynova, M., & Yazhinova, U. Negative concord in heritage Russian in Germany. 42nd Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS): Variation in heritage languages: Language contact vs internal developments 04.-06.03.2020, Universität Hamburg, Germany.

Pashkova, T., Murphy, M., Hodge, A. & Allen, S.E.M. Explicitness in heritage speakers’ majority English productions. 42nd Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS). 04.-06.03.20, Universität Hamburg, Germany.

Rizou, V. Verbal aspect in Heritage Greek across majority languages. 42nd Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS). 04.-06.03.20, Unversität Hamburg, Germany. 

Tsehaye, W., Bunk, O., & Iefremenko, K. Language contact versus internal dynamics in heritage speakers’ use of discourse markers. 42nd Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS). 04.-06.03.20, Unversität Hamburg, Germany.

Wiese, H., & Bunk, O. Meaning in discourse: Word sense divergences and registers.  42nd Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS). 04.-06.03.20, Universität Hamburg, Germany.

Zuban, Y., Rathcke, T., & Zerbian, S. Intonation of yes-no questions by heritage speakers of Russian. 42nd Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS). 04.-06.03.20, Universität Hamburg, Germany.

Paspali, A., & Rizou, V. Grammatical aspect in Heritage Greek: Does cross-linguistic influence play a role? 24th ISTAL Conference. 03.10.20. [online]

Neuhaus, K. Hilfe, ich bin im Hirn einer Comiczeichnerin! 13. Forum Wissenschaftskommunikation. 05.-07.10.20, Hannover, Germany. 

Zuban, Y., Martynova, M., Szucsich, L., Gagarina, N., & Zerbian, S. Word order in heritage Russian: majority language and clause type matter. Colloquium of Slavic Linguistics. 06.01.2021, Humboldt Universität, Berlin, Germany. [online]

Martynova, M., Szucsich, L. & Gagarina, N. Optionality of Verb Placement in Subordinate Clauses in Heritage Russian in Germany. Conference on Heritage Language Syntax.  Utrecht, Netherlands. 12.-16.10.2020. [online]

Paspali, A., & Rizou, V. Grammatical aspect in Heritage Greek: Does cross-linguistic influence play a role? Conference on Heritage Language Syntax. 12.-16.10.20, Utrecht, Netherlands. [online]

Tsehaye, W., Pashkova, T., Tracy, R., & Allen, S.E.M. Structural optionality in heritage speakers’ narrative. Conference on Heritage Language Syntax. 12.-16.10.20, Utrecht, Netherlands. [online]

Alexiadou, A., Rizou, V., Karkaletsou, F., & Tsokanos N. A plural indefinite article in Heritage Greek: the role of register (Poster). Language Ideologies, Identity and Authenticity in Minoritised Greek-speaking Communities workshop. 20.01.2021. [online]

Iefremenko, K. Post-predicateposition in Kurmanji in contact with Turkish and German. Workshop on Turkic and Languages in Contact with Turkic (TU+) 6. 19.-20.02.2021, University of Toronto, Canada.

Alexiadou, A., Rizou, V., Karkaletsou, F., & Tsokanos N. A plural indefinite article in Heritage Greek: the role of register (Poster). RUEG Conference - Dynamics of Language Contact. 21.-23.02.2021, Humboldt Universität, Berlin, Germany. [online]

Bunk, O. Do heritage speakers talk more formally? A case study on Lexical Choice in Formal Registers (Poster). RUEG Conference - Dynamics of Language Contact. 21.-23.02.2021. Humboldt Universität, Berlin, Germany. [online]

Iefremenko, K. Word Order in Turkish in contact with German and Kurmanji. RUEG Conference - Dynamics of Language Contact. 21.-23.02.2021, Humboldt Universität, Berlin, Germany. [online]

Klotz, M. Modelling Linguistic Data at the Boundary of "Document" (Poster). RUEG Conference - Dynamics of Language Contact. 21.-23.02.2021. Humboldt Universität, Berlin, Germany. [online]

Labrenz, A. Register Variation in Multi- and Monolingual Speakers of German (Poster). RUEG Conference - Dynamics of Language Contact. 21.-23.02.2021. Humboldt Universität, Berlin, Germany. [online]

Martynova, M., Szucsich, L. & Gagarina, N. Word order in monolingual and heritage Russian in Germany and the US - majority language matters (Poster). RUEG Conference - Dynamics of Language Contact. 21.-23.02.2021, Humboldt Universität, Berlin, Germany. [online]

Tsehaye, W. Clause Type Distribution across Registers in Heritage German (Poster). RUEG Conference - Dynamics of Language Contact. 21.-23.02.2021. Humboldt Universität, Berlin, Germany. [online]

Zuban, Y., & Zerbian, S. Word Order in Heritage Russian in the US: clause type matters (Poster). RUEG Conference - Dynamics of Language Contact. 21.-23.02.2021, Humboldt Universität, Berlin, Germany. [online]

Martynova, M., & Yazhinova, U. Negative concord in heritage Russian in Germany. 42nd Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS): Variation in Heritage Languages: Language contact vs internal developments 04.-06.03.20, Unversität Hamburg, Germany.

Schroeder, C. Gibt es ein Deutschland‐Türkisch? Keynote, 68. StudentischeTagung Sprachwissenschaft (StuTS), 19.-22.11.2020. [online]

Martynova, M., Zuban, Y., Szucsich, L., Zerbian, S., & Gagarina, N. Word order in heritage Russian: Transfer effects? Manchester Forum in Linguistics. 28– 29.04.2021. Manchester, UK. [online]

Böttcher, M., Schubö, F., & Zerbian, S. Stress Assignment on Pronouns in German Prepositional Phrases - Evidence from read and spontaneous speech. Roundtable on the Prosody of Pronouns, 19.05.2021, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Germany. 

Pashkova, T., Tsehaye, W., Tracy, R., & Allen, S.E.M. Narrative complexity of heritage speakers' majority and heritage language productions. Heritage Languages Around the World. 20.-22.05.21, University of Lisbon, Portugal.

Rizou, V. Verbal aspect in Heritage Greek across majority languages. International Conference of Heritage Languages Around the World (HLAW). 20.-22.05.21, University of Lisbon, Portugal.

Iefremenko, K., Klotz, M., & Schroeder, C, Mercan G. Impact of literacy on heritage Turkish in Germany and the U.S. International Symposium on Bilingualism. 10.-14.07.2021, University of Warsaw, Poland. [online]

Labrenz, A., Wiese, H., Allen, S.E.M., & Pashkova, T. The three-dot sign in language contact. Discourse-pragmatic markers, fillers and filled pauses: Pragmatic, multi-modal, socio- and psycholinguistic perspectives. 14.-15.07.2021, Bristol, UK. [online]

Iefremenko K., Özsoy, O. & Schroeder, C. (2021). Paratactic clause combining in heritage Turkish in Germany and the U.S. International Conference on Turkish Linguistics. 02.-04.08.2021, Anadolu University, Eskişehir, Turkey. [online]

Klotz, M. Linguistic diversity across languages and registers: A corpus-linguistic basis for investigating emerging grammars in language-contact situations. Methods XVII. 02.-06.08.21, Mainz, Germany.

Iefremenko, K. Placement of the locational goal elements in KurmanjiKurdish in contact with Turkish and German. Ninth InternationalConference on Iranian Linguistics (ICIL 9). 18.-20.08.21, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna, Austria.

Rizou, V., Karkaletsou, F., Tsokanos, N., & Alexiadou, A. What heritage languages can tell us about the category adjective: evidence from Heritage Greek. 54th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE). 31.08.2021, Athens.

Rizou, V. Alexiadou, A.  Non-active voice in Greek Heritage speakers’ repertoire (Poster). 27th Language and Migration Symposium (LIPP). 06.10.2021. [online]

Alexiadou, A., Rizou V. Relative clauses in Heritage Greek: evidence on cross- linguistic patterns (Poster).12th Workshop on Immigrant Languages in the Americas, 08.10.2021, Helsinki, Finnland. [online]

Schroeder, C. Deutsch als Zweitsprache in der mehrsprachigen Gesellschaft. 27th LIPP Symposium "Language and Migration". 16.-17.11.2021, Munich, Germany.

Özsoy, O. & Gagarina, N. Does CASE trump determiners? Considering blocking effects in heritage Turkishes in Germany and the U.S. 70. Studentische Tagung Sprachwissenschaft (StuTS). 19.11.21, Vienna, Austria.

Böttcher, M. Semantic vs. Prosodic Prominence – Pronoun Realisation in Mono- and Bilingual English. Forschungskolloquium des Instituts für Linguistik – Phonetik. 14.12.2021, Universität Köln, Germany.

Labrenz, A., Katsika, K., Iefremenko, K., Wiese, H., Schroeder, C., & Allen, S. "Functional variation and change of discourse-pragmatic markers in heritage speakers' two languages - A comparative corpus study." Discourse Pragmatic Variation and Change (DiPVaC 5), 14.12.2021. University of Melborune, Australia.

Keller, Mareike. The Dynamic Potential of the Heritage Speaker Lexicon. Research Colloquium "Questions at the Interfaces" (FOR2111), 20.01.2022, Universität Konstanz, Germany.

Allen, S.E.M. Information structure in the majority English of heritage speakers: Cross-linguistic influence and other patterns. HL2C Seminar: Cross-linguistic influence in heritage language speakers?, 27.01.2022 [online]

Bunk, O. When less is more: Variation in formal narrations of heritage speakers. 44th Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society (DGfs; AG9), 24.02.2022. [online]

Labrenz, A., & Wiese, H. (Inter-)subjective discourse functions of emoji in instant messaging. 44th Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society (DGfs; AG12), 24.02.2022. [online]

Lüdeling, A., Lukassek, J., & Shadrova, Anna. Variation and productivity in German L1 and L2 nominal word-formation. 44th Conference of the German Linguistic Society (DGFS; AG8), 25.02.2022. [online]

Schäfer, F., Oikonomou, D., Martin, F., Golcher, F., & Alexiadou, A. Anticausatives are weak scalar expressions: experimental evidence from Greek. 44th Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS; AG4), 25.02.2022. [online]

Rizou, V., Martynova, M., Özsoy, O., Gagarina, N., Szucsich, L. & Alexiadou, A. More or less definite: How heritage speakers of Greek, Russian and Turkish in Germany and the US express (in)definiteness. 14th Annual Meeting of the Illinois Language and Linguistic Society (ILLS) on "Language Variation and Change in the 21st Century", 26.02.2022. [online]

Tracy, R. Wie viele Sprachen passen in einen Kopf? Tagung von Elternvereinen (Internationaler Tag der Muttersprachen 2022) "Meine Sprachen! - Meine Identitäten", 27.02.2022. [online]

Wiese, H., Labrenz, A., & Hullmeine, Hannah. "Punkt-Punkt-Punkt" in Instant Messaging. 44th Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society (DGfs; AG13), 24.02.2022. [online]

Schroeder, C. Wer ist denn DaZ-Lernende/r? Wie der DaZ-Diskurs (oft) auf die falsche Fährte führt. Interdisziplinäre Tagung "Sprache als Schlüssel - wozu? Bindungserfolg im Fokus". 17.-18.03.2022, Bamberg, Germany.

Özsoy, O., Rizou, V., Martynova, M., Gagarina, N., Alexiadou, A., & Szucsich L. Same, same, but different: Properties of (in)definiteness in heritage Greek, Russian and Turkish in Germany and the US. International Symposium on Monolingual and Bilingual Speech (ISMB5) 2022, 06.-09.04.2022, University of Louisiana, USA.

Rizou, V. Novel forms in the expression of aspec in Heritage Greek across majority languages. International Conference of Heritage Languages Around the World (HLAW). 18-20.05.2022, University of Lisbon, Portugal.

Schroeder, C., Iefremenko, K., Labrenz, A., Katsika, K., Allen, S., & Wiese, H. Cross-linguistic influence and functional variation of discourse pragmatic markers in heritage speakers. Heritage Languages around the World. 18.-20.05.2022. Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal.

Schroeder, C., Tracy, R., Wiese, H., Bunk, O., Iefremenko, K., & Tsehaye, W. Cross-linguistic and internal dynamics in heritage speakers' use of discourse markers. Heritage Languages around the World. 18.-20.05.2022. Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal.

Zuban, Y., Zerbian, S., Iefrmenko, K., & Schroeder, C. Referent introduction in heritage Russian and heritage Turkish. Heritage Languages around the World. 18.-20.05.2022. Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal.

Iefremenko, K., Keskin, C., Kornfilt, K., & Schroeder, C. Individual variation in heritage Turkish clause combining. Formal Approaches to Contact in/with Turkish. 19.-20.05.2022. Tromsø, Norway.

Böttcher, M. A Comparison of Pitch Accent Patterns in Contrastive Adjective+ Noun
Structures in Bilingual Englishes.
11th International Conference on Speech Prosody 2022. 23.-26.05.2022, Lisbon, Portugal.

Zerbian, S., Böttcher, M., & Zuban, Y. Prosody of contrastive adjectives in mono-
and bilingual speakers of English and Russian: a corpus study
. 11th International Conference on Speech Prosody 2022. 23.-26.05.2022, Lisbon, Portugal.

Purkarthofer, J. Familiensprachpolitik und familiäre Mehrsprachigkeit. Ringvorlesung Sprachenpolitik und Mehrsprachigkeit in Deutschland. Interdisziplinäre Forschung und Fragestellungen. 09.06.2022, Uni Duisburg/Essen, Germany.

Iefremenko, K. Clause-combining in heritage Turkish: focus on registers. Invited talk at Empirical and Theoretical Perspectives on Low-Resource Languages (ETPOLL2022). 16.-20.06.2022, Frankfurt, Germany.

Alexiadou, A. Methodological Othering trough "monolingual controls". Workshop "Do we practice what we preach?The construction of multilinguals as Others in public discourse and academia". 11.7.2022, Berlin, Germany.

Purkarthofer, J. Who’s there? In/Exclusively addressing ‚the other‘ in disseminating linguistic results. Workshop "Do we practice what we preach? The construction of multilinguals as Others in public discourse and academia". 11.7.2022, Berlin, Germany.

Wiese, H. Labelling multilinguals as Others: common topoi in linguistic publications. Workshop “Do we practice what we preach? The construction of multilinguals as Others in public discourse and academia”. 11.07.2022, Berlin, Germany.

Bunk, O., J. Purkarthofer, & H. Wiese. Normalising urban vernaculars: Kiezdeutsch. Sociolinguistics Symposium 24, 13.7.2022, Ghent, Belgium.

Bunk, O., Sauermann, A., Dobler, Fynn Raphael, & Wiese, H. Sociolinguistic variation in Kiezdeutsch and Namdeutsch. Methods XVII. 01.08.-05.08.2022, Johannes Gutenberg Universität, Mainz, Germany.

Özsoy, O., Martynova, M., Rizou, V., Alexiadou, A., Gagarina, N. & Szucsich, L. Does pro-drop in heritage Greek, Russian and Turkish decline? (Poster). 4th International Symposium on Bilingual and L2 Processing in Adults and Children. 04.08.2022, Tromso, Norway.

Klotz, M., Labrenz, A., Lüdeling, A., & Wiese, H. Linguistic diversity across languages and registers: A corpus-linguistic basis for investigating emerging grammmars in language-contact situations. Methods in Dialectology XVII, 05.08.2022. Mainz, Germany.

Özsoy, O. & Blum, F. A heritage speaker by any other name: Diversity in speech fluency. SPARK symposium at CogSci 2022. 29.08.2022. Toronto. [online]

Wiese, H. Overcoming language borders in structural analysis. Invited talk, SLI 2022 (Annual Meeting of the Italian Linguistics Association). 08.09.2022, Brixen, Italy.

Özsoy, O., Çiçek, B., Özal, Z., Sallai, B., Gagarina, N., & Sekerina, I. Individual variation in Turkish-German heritage speakers´ predictive use of case: Remote vs. In-lab eye-tracking [Poster]. Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing 28 (AMLaP 28). 07.-09.09.2022, University of York, UK. [online]

Oikonomou, D., Rizou, V. & Alexiadou A. How to describe what didn’t happen: Heritage and monolingual strategies converge. 15th International Conference on Greek Linguistics (ICGL15). 15-18.09.2022, Belgrade, Serbia.

Iefremenko. K. Post-predicate position in Kurmanji-Turkish bilinguals. Post-predicate elements across the languages of Western Asia: theoretical and empirical approaches. 22.-23.09.2022, Bamberg, Germany.

Pashkova, T., & Allen, S.E.M. Specificity and definitneness in article use in heritage speakers' majority English. Heritage Languages and Variation. 23.-25.09.2022, Limassol, Cyprus.

Özsoy, O., & Gagarina, N. Variation in the realization of accusative case and differential object marking in Turkishes. GAL Sektionentagung 2022. 29.09.2022, Universität Würzburg, Germany.

Iefremenko, K. Word order in Turkish in contact with German and/or Kurmanji Kurdish. GAL Jahrestagung. 28.-30.09.2022. Würzburg, Germany.

Özsoy, O., Martynova, M., Rizou, V., Gagarina, N., Szucsich, L. & Alexiadou, A. Does pro-drop in heritage Greek, Russian and Turkish decline? GAL Jahrestagung, 28.-30.09.2022, Würzburg, Germany.

Wiese, H. Mehrsprachigkeit in Gesellschaft und Schule: Mythen und Möglichkeiten. Senatstag „Mehrsprachigkeit“, Senatsverwaltung für Bildung, Jungend und Familie Berlin. 11.10.2022, Berlin, Germany.

Wiese, H., Alexiadou, A., Allen, S., Bunk, O., Gagarina, N., Iefremenkio, I., Katsika, K., Labrenz, A., Özsoy, O., Pashkova, T., Rizou, V., & Schroeder, C. What is distinctive about heritage language syntax? Heritage Language Syntax 3. 20.-21.10.2022, Paris, France.

Tsehaye, W., & Tracy, R. Complexity deconstructed: Syntactic complexity and task complexification. Heritage Language Syntax 3. 20.-21.10.2022, Paris, France.

Wiese, H. Supporting multilingualism policies from the outset: Antibias materials in university classes for future teachers. BMRS2022 – Bilingualism Matters Research Symposium 2022. 25.-26.10.2022, Edinburgh, Scotland.

Purkarthofer, J. “...mit eigenen Augen unser Haus von außen sehen…”: Familiensprachen und sprachliche Dynamiken in mehrsprachigen Familien. Keynote am Direktor*innentag der Südtiroler Bildungsinstitutionen. 19.10.2022, Bozen, Italy.

Allen, S. What effect do heritage languages have on majority English in adolescent and adult heritage speakers bilinguals? Workshop in L2 sentence and discourse processing. 02.11.2022, Kaiserslautern, Germany.

Allen, S. What effect do heritage languages have on majority English in adolescent and adult heritage speakers bilinguals? Workshop in L2 sentence and discourse processing. 18.11.2022, Boston University, USA.

Özsoy, O, Çiçek, B., Özal, Z., Sallai, B., Gagarina, N., & Sekerina, I. Individual variation in Turkish-German heritage speakers' predictive use of case. Workshop on L2 sentence and discourse processing. 18.11.2022, Köln, Germany.

Zuban, Y., Rathcke, T., & Zerbian, S. Do different majority languages lead to different intonational grammars? A case study of yes-no questions in Heritage Russian." Lecture Series MA-EASEL: Current Approaches in Literature, Cultures and Linguistics. December 2022, Stuttgart, Germany.

Iefremenko, K., Keskin, C., & Schroeder C. The post-predicate position in Turkish in language contact situations: Resistant to Change? 45th Annual conference of the German Linguistic Society. 08.-10.03.2023, Köln, Germany.

Martynova, M., Özsoy, O., Rizou, V., Gagarina, N., Alexiadou, A., & Szucsich, L. Pro-drop realization in heritage Greek, Russian and Turkish is modulated by typological differences. 45th Annual conference of the German Linguistic Society. 08.-10.03.2023, Köln, Germany.

Özsoy, O., Sallai, B., Burbelko, M., & Prozorova, A. Does pro-drop in heritage languages influence null subject use in speakers' majority German? 45th Annual conference of the German Linguistic Society. 08.-10.03.2023, Köln, Germany.

Zuban, Y. Syntactic and prosodic expression of information status by heritage speakers of Russian. DGfS Jahrestagung. 07.-10.03.2023, Köln, Germany.

Katsika, K., Tsaroucha, A., Allen, S.E.M. Discourse openings and closings in Greek majority and heritage language speakers: effects of age, register and modality. AMGL 43: 43d Annual Meeting of the Department of Linguistics. 04.-06.05.2023, Thessaaloniki, Greece.

Özsoy, O., Rizou, V., Martynova, M., Gagarina, N., Szucsich, L., & Alexiadou, A. Aspect realization in heritage Greek, Russian and Turkish. WILA 14: 14th Annual Workshop on Immigrant Languages in the Americas. 05.-07.05.2023, Flensburg, Germany.

Labrenz, A., Böttcher, M, Iefremenko, K. & Katsika, K. Discourse markers and filler particles at the boundary: A corpus study across languages, speaker groups, and communicative situations. International Conference on "Discourse Markers - Theories and Methods. 24.-26.05.2023, Paris, France.

Wiese, H., Labrenz, A., & Bayram, Y. Graphic Discourse Markers in CMC. Discourse Markers - Theories and Methods. 24.-26.05.2023. Université Cité Paris, France.

Katsika, K., Iefremenko, K., Allen, S.E.M., & Schroeder, C. Discourse openings and closings in Turkish majority and heritage language speakers: effects of age, register and modality (Poster). HL@Cross 2023: Heritage Languages at the Crossroads: cultural contexts, individual differences and methodologies. 29.-30.05.2023, Istanbul, Turkey.

Özsoy, O., Iefremenko, K., Büyükyıldırım, N., Schroeder, C., & Gagarina, N. Dynamics of change in accusative and dative realization in heritage and majority Turkishes. HL@Cross 2023: Heritage Languages at the Crossroads: cultural contexts, individual differences and methodologies. 29.-30.05.2023, Istanbul, Turkey.

Zuban, Y. The role of communicative situations in word order choice in heritage Russian (Poster). Heritage Languages at the Crossroads: Cultural contexts, individual differences and methodologies (HL@Cross). 29.-30.05.2023, Istanbul, Turkey.

Zuban, Y., Klotz, M., & Zerbian, S. A prosodically-annotated corpus of spontaneous narrations in mono- and heritage Russian (Poster). Phonetics and Phonology in Europe. 02.-04.06.2023, Nijmegen, Netherlands.

Zuban, Y. Intonation of heritage speakers in Russian. Olomouc Linguistics Colloquium (Olinco). 8.-10.06.2023, Olomouc, Czechia.

Böttcher, M., Labrenz, A., Iefremenko, K., Katsika, K., & Tausch, J. (Dis)fluency markers as discourse organizational devices in heritage speakers' two languages. Do register and societal language status matter? ISB 14. Symposium "Nothing but register: Variation in heritage and majority languages". 26.-30.06.2023, Sydney, Australia.

Tsehae, W., Pashkova, T., Lee, H., Conti, E., Allen, S., Bunk. O., & Tracy, R. Syntax on the edge: The role of register in syntactic variation at sentence peripheries in language contact. ISB 14. Symposium "Nothing but register: Variation in heritage and majority languages". 26.-30.06.2023, Sydney, Australia.

Jahns, E. & Bunk, O. Language anxiety as a barrier to academic participation. 18th International Pragmatics Conference. 18.-14.07.2023, Brussels, Belgium.

Bunk, O. What does linguistic structure tell us about language ideologies? The case of majority language anxiety in Germany. 20th AILA. 17.-21.07.2023, Lyon, France.

Özsoy, O., Iefremenko, K., Büyükyıldırım, N., Kuyrukçu, O., Schroeder, C., & Gagarina, N. Accusative and dative case alternations in heritage and majority Turkishes. 21st International Conference on Turkish Linguistics. 02.-04.08.2023, Mainz, Germany.

Barabashova, K. & S. Zerbian. Perceived naturalness of accents in noun phrases by mono- and bilingual listeners of Russian. International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. 07.-11.08.2023, Prague, Czechia.

Özsoy, O., Burbelko, M., Sallai, B., & Prozova, A. "vallah war geschockt" Subject-drop in heritage and monolingual speakers of German. The 32nd Conference of the European Second Language Association (euroSLA 32). 30.08.-02.09.2023, Birmingham, UK.

Böttcher, M., Labrenz, A., Groth, F., Iefremenko, K., & Katsika, K. Using discourse markers and filler particles to mark discourse boundaries: a corpus study across speaker groups and communicative situations (Poster). RUEG Conference 2023 - Linguistic Variability in Heritage Language Research. 26.-28.09.2023, Berlin, Germany.

Labrenz, A., Bayram, Y., & Wiese, H. Emoji as graphic discourse markers: a cross-linguistic study (Poster). RUEG Conference 2023 - Linguistic Variability in Heritage Language Research. 26.-28.09.2023, Berlin, Germany.

Özsoy, O. & Fridman, C. Sentiments towards Heritage Languages in Research (Poster). RUEG Conference 2023 - Linguistic Variability in Heritage Language Research. 26.-28.09.2023, Berlin, Germany.

Özsoy, O., Iefremenko, K., Büyükyıldırım, N., Schroeder, C., & Gagarina, N. Accusative and dative case alternations in heritage and majority Turkishes (Poster). RUEG Conference 2023 - Linguistic Variability in Heritage Language Research. 26.-28.09.2023, Berlin, Germany.

Rizou, V., Martynova, M., Özsoy, O., Szucsich, L., Alexiadou, A., & Gagarina, N. Is it over yet? Verbal aspect in heritage Greek, Russian and Turkish (Poster). RUEG Conference 2023 - Linguistic Variability in Heritage Language Research. 26.-28.09.2023, Berlin, Germany.

Wiese, H. What is special about heritage languages? (Poster) RUEG Conference 2023 - Linguistic Variability in Heritage Language Research. 26.-28.09.2023, Berlin, Germany.

Zerbian, S., Klotz, M. & Zuban, Y. Prosodically annotated corpus of spontaneous narrations in mono- and heritage Russian (Poster). RUEG Conference 2023 - Linguistic Variability in Heritage Language Research. 26.-28.09.2023, Berlin, Germany.

Zuban, Y., Pashkova, T., Conti, E., Lee, H., Allen, S., Bunk, O. & Zerbian, S. Left dislocation in contact: The case of Russian. RUEG Conference 2023 - Linguistic Variability in Heritage Language Research. 26.-28.09.2023, Berlin, Germany.

Martynova, M., Rizou, V., Özsoy, O., Alexiadou, A., Szucsich, L., & Gagarina, N. Is it over yet? Grammatical aspect in heritage Greek, Russian and Turkish. WILA 14. 05.-07.10.2023, Flensburg, Germany.

Bunk, O. Framesetter or discourse linker? Exploring the Role of Prosody in Understanding Adverbials in German V3 Declaratives. Workshop Complex prefields in V2 language. 02.–04.11.2023, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Germany.

Zuban, Y., & Zerbian, S. The effect of age and gender on global intonational features in heritage and monolingual Russian. 12th International Conference on Speech Prosody 2024. 02.–05.07.2024, Leiden, Netherlands. 






Alexiadou, A., & Lohndal, T. (2018). Units of language mixing: a cross-linguistic perspective. Frontiers in  Psychology, 9, 1719.

Bunk, O., & Pohle, M. (2019). 'Unter Freunden redet man anders': The register awareness of Kiezdeutsch speakers. In T. Heyd, F. von Mengden & B. Schneider (Eds.), The Sociolinguistic Economy of Berlin (pp. 97-124). De Gruyter.

Iefremenko, K., & Schroeder, C. (2019). Göçmen Türkçesinde Cümle Birleştirme. Pilot Çalışma. In K. İşeri (Ed.), Dilbilimde Güncel Tartışmalar (pp.247-255). Dilbilim Derneği Yayınları.

Schroeder, C. & Wiese, H. (2019). Kiez goes Uni – SchülerInnen untersuchen Sprachvariation und Mehrsprachigkeit mit MentorInnen der Universität. In A. Betz & A. Firstein (Eds.), Schülerinnen und Schülern Linguistik näher bringen. Perspektiven einer linguistischen Wissenschaftspropädeutik (pp. 216-234). Schneider Verlag. 

Zerbian, S., & Böttcher, M. (2019). Stressed pronouns in mono- and bilingual German. In S. Calhoun et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (pp. 2640-2644), Melbourne, Australia. 

Alexiadou, A. (2020). Compound formation in language mixing. Frontiers in Psychology, 11,1021. 

Böttcher, M., & Zerbian, S. (2020). Stressed pronouns in spontaneous English. In Proceedings of 10th International Conference of Speech Prosody (pp. 131-135), Tokio, Japan.

Böttcher, M. (2020). Semantic vs. Prosodic Prominence – Pronouns Realisation in spontaneous Mono- and Bilingual English. In Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Tone and Intonation, Sønderborg, Denmark.

Bunk, O. (2020). “Aber immer alle sagen das:“ The status of V3 in German: Use, processing and syntactic representation [Doctoral dissertation, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin].

Gagarina, N., Martynova, M., Sekerina, I., & Szucsich, L. (2020). From first verbs to adulthood: Aspect in heritage Russian in the US and Germany. Proceedings of the VII International Aspectological Conference “Interrelation between aspect and adjacent categories”, St. Petersburg, Russia, 112-117.  

Gökgöz, K., Gagarina, N., & Klassert, A. (2020). Kasuserwerb in der Erstsprache Türkisch: Eine Untersuchung zur Akkusativ- und Dativproduktion von bilingual türkisch-deutschsprachigen Kindern. Sprache, Stimme, Gehör, 44(1), 49–56.

Goschler, J., Schroeder, C., & Woerfel, T. (2020). Convergence in the encoding of motion events in heritage Turkish in Germany: In acceptability study. In F. Bayram (Ed.), Studies in Turkish as a Heritage Language (pp. 87-103). John Benjamins.

Schroeder, C. (2020). Acquisition of Turkish literacy in Germany. Linguistic Minorities in Europe.

Schroeder, C. (2020). The advanced acquisition of orthography inheritage Turkish in Germany. Written Language & Literacy, 23 (2). 251–271.DOI: 10.1075/wll.00043.sch.

Szucsich, L. (2020). Die burgenlandkroatischen Wenkerbögen. In J. Fleischer et al. (Eds.), Die nicht-deutschsprachigen Wenker-Materialien (pp. 569–595). Olms.

Wiese, H. (2020). Contact in the City. In R. Hickey (ed.), Wiley Handbook of Language Contact: Second Edition.  Wiley-Blackwell.

Wiese, H. (2020). Language Situations: A method for capturing variation within speakers’ repertoires. In Y. Asahi (Ed.), Methods in Dialectology XVI. Peter Lang.

Wiese, H., Tracy, R., & Sennema, A. (2020). Deutschpflicht auf dem Schulhof? Warum wir Mehrsprachigkeit brauchen. Duden-Verlag.

Wörfel, T., Küppers, A., & Schroeder, C. (2020). Herkunftssprachlicher Unterricht. In I. Gogolin, A. Hansen, S. McMonagle & D. Rauch (Eds.), Handbuch Mehrsprachigkeit und Bildung. Springer VS.

Alexiadou, A., Rizou, V. Karkaletsou, F., & Tsokanos N. (2021). Gender agreement mismatches in Heritage Greek. Languages 6.

Efeoglu, G., & Schroeder, C. (2021). Acquisition of object pronouns in EFL in Germany by heritage speakers of Turkish. Sustainable Multilingualism 18. DOI:10.2478/sm-2021-0004

Gogolin, I., & Tracy, R. (2021). Vom mehrsprachigen zum mehrstimmigen Klassenzimmer: eine Bildungsreise. In K. Karst, D. Thoma, J. Derkau, J. Seifried & S. Münzer (Eds.), Lehrer*innenbildung imKontext leistungs­bezogener Heterogenität und Mehrsprachigkeit von Schüler*innen (pp. 161-179). Waxman. 

Iefremenko, K., Schroeder C., & Kornfilt J. (2021). Converbs inheritage Turkish – a contrastive approach. Nordic Journal of Linguistics, 44.

Karayiannis, D., Kambanaros, M., Grohmann, K. K., & Alexiadou A. (2021). Assignment of Grammatical Gender in Heritage Greek. Frontiers in Psychology, 12:717449. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.717449.

Labrenz, A. (2021). Zu Diskursen über Mehrsprachigkeit mit einem Fokus auf den (möglichen) Umgang mit sprachlicher Diversität im Raum Schule unter Einbezug eines Fallbeispiels aus Berlin-Neukölln. Masterarbeit. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaftliche Fakultät. DOI: 10.18452/22255

Purkarthofer, J. (2021). Lines of Exclusion and Possibilities of Inclusion: A Tale of Two Schools in Austria. In L. Mary, A. Krüger & A. Young (Eds.), Migration, Multilingualism and Education: Critical Perspectives on Inclusion (pp. 16-34), Bristol, UK.

Rizou, V. (2021). Verbal aspect in Heritage Greek across majority languages. A. Søfte-land & A. Hjelde (Eds.), Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Workshop on Immigrant Languages in the Americas (pp. 39-48), Cascadilla Press.

Shadrova, A., Linscheid, P., Lukassek, J., Lüdeling, A., & Schneider, S. (2021). A Challenge for Contrastive L1/L2 Corpus Studies: Large Inter- and Intra-Individual Variation Across Morphological, but Not Global Syntactic Categories in Task-Based Corpus Data of a Homogeneous L1 German Group. Frontiers in Psychology, 12:716485. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.716485

Tsehaye, W., Pashkova, T., Tracy, R., & Allen, S.E. M. (2021). Deconstructing the native speaker: Further evidence from heritagespeakers for why this horse should be dead! Frontiers in Psychology, 12:717352. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.717352

Wiese, H. (2021). Communicative situations as a basis for linguistic systems: Integrating linguistic multi-competence with grammatical structure. Working Papers in Urban Language and Literacies, 287. King's College London.

Wiese, H., & Labrenz, A. (2021). Emoji as graphic discourse markers. Functional and positional associations in German WhatsApp® messages. In D. van Olmen & J. Šinkūnienė (Eds.), Pragmatic Markers and Clause Peripheries. John Benjamins.

Wiese, H., Alexiadou, A., Allen, S. E. M.,Bunk, O., Gagarina, N., Iefremenko, K., Martynova, M., Pashkova, T., Rizou, V.,Schroeder, C., Shadrova, A., Szucsich, L, Tracy, R., Tsehaye, W., Zerbian, S., & Zuban, Y. (2021). Heritage speakers as part of the nativelanguage continuum. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 717352. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.717352

Wiese, H., Alexiadou, A., Allen, S., Bunk, O., Gagarina, N., Iefremenko, K., Jahns, E., Klotz, M., Krause,T., Labrenz, A., Lüdeling, A., Martynova, M., Neuhaus, K., Pashkova, T., Rizou,V., Tracy, R., Schroeder, C., Szucsich, L., Tsehaye, W., Zerbian, S., & Zuban, Y. (2019). RUEG Corpus (Version 0.3.0) [Data set]. Zenodo. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3236069 

Zuban, Y., Martynova, M., Zerbian, S., Szucsich, L., & Gagarina, N. (2021) Word order in heritage Russian: clause type and majority language matter. Russian Lingusitics.

Alexiadou, A., & Rizou, V. (2022). The use of periphrasis for the expression of aspect by Greek Heritage speakers. Register Studies.

Alexiadou, A., & Rizou, V. (2022). Restrictive Relative clauses in Greek Heritage speakers in the US. E. Peterson & E. Sippola (Eds). Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual Workshop on Immigrant Languages in the Americas.

Böttcher, M. (2022). A Comparison of Pitch Accent Patterns in Contrastive Adjective+Noun Structures in Bilingual Englishes. Proc. Speech Prosody 2022 (pp. 807-811). doi: 10.21437/SpeechProsody.2022-164

Zerbian, S., Böttcher, M., &  Zuban, Y. (2022) Prosody of contrastive adjectives in mono- and bilingual speakers of English and Russian: a corpus study. Proc. Speech Prosody 2022 (pp. 812-816). doi: 10.21437/SpeechProsody.2022-165

Paspali, A. & Rizou V., Alexiadou, A. (2022). Online comprehension and production of grammatical aspect in Greek Heritage Speakers in Germany and the US. Applied Psycholinguistics.

Weth, C., & Schroeder, C. (2022). Growing up with multilingual literacies and implications for spelling. In Anat Stavans, Ulrike Jessner-Schmid (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Childhood Multilingualism (pp. 807-811). Cambridge: University Press.

Riehl, C. M., & Schroeder, C. (2022). DaF/DaZ im Kontext von Mehrsprachigkeit. In Deutsch als Fremdsprache 59, 2, 67-76. DOI: 10.37307/j.2198-2430.2022.02.02

Oikonomou, D., Rizou, V., Özsoy, O., Bondarenko D., & Alexiadou, A. (2022). Scalar and Counterfactual Approximatives: Investigating Heritage Greek in the USA and Germany. Languages.

Özsoy, O. & Blum F. (2022). Exploring individual variation in Turkish heritage speakers’ complex linguistic productions: Evidence from discourse markers. Applied Psycholinguistics.

Özsoy O., Iefremenko K., Schroeder C. (2022). Shifting and expanding clause combining strategies in heritage Turkish varieties. Languages, 7.

Pashkova, T., Tsehaye, W., Allen, S.E.M, & Tracy, R. (2022). Syntactic optionality in heritage language use: Effects of register on clause type preferences of German heritage speakers in a majority English context. Heritage Language Journal.

Wiese, H. (2022) Neue Dialekekte im urbanen Europa. In B. Busse & I. Warnke (Eds.), Sprache im urbanen Raum / Language in Urban Space. De Gruyter [Handbuchreihe Sprachwissen, Band 20].

Wiese, H. (2022). Urban contact dialects. In S. Mufwene & A. M. Escobar (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Language Contact. Volume II: Multilingualism & Population Structre. Cambridge University Press.

Labrenz, A. (2023). Functional Variation of German Also across Registers and Speaker Groups, Contrastive Pragmatics, 4(2), 289-320. doi: https://doi.org/10.1163/26660393-bja10077

Sluckin, B. L. & Bunk, O. (2023). Non-canonical V3 and Resumption in Kiezdeutsch. In K. de Clercq et al. (Eds.), And then there were three, the syntax of V3 adverbial resumption in German and in Romance: a comparative perspective. Oxford: OUP.

Tsehaye, W. (2023). Light-weights placed right: post-field constituents in heritage German. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1–13.

Zuban, Y., Rathcke, T., & Zerbian, S. (2023). Do Different Majority Languages Lead to Different Intonational Grammars? A Case Study of Yes/No-Questions in Heritage Russian. Heritage Language Journal, 20(1), 1-43. https://doi.org/10.1163/15507076-bja10016


Upcoming Publications


Bunk, O, Sauermann, A., & Dobler F. R. (accepted). Sociolinguistic variation in Kiezdeutsch and Namdeutsch. The case of the modal particles halt and eben. To appear in: Stratton J.A., & K. V. Beaman (Eds.), Expanding Variationist Sociolinguistic Research in Varieties of German. Routledge.

Bunk, O., & Wiese, H. (submitted). New contact dialects in urban youth culture and beyond. In B. A. Svendsen & R. Jonsson (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Language and Youth Culture. Routledge.

Derince, Ş., Iefremenko K., Kırgız Y., Şimşek Y., Schroeder C., & Brizić K. (submitted). The Acquisition of Kurdish in Multilingual Context. Handbook of Kurdish Language and Linguistics.

Iefremenko K., Özsoy O., Schroeder C. (in review). Paratactic clause combining in heritage Turkish in Germany and the U.S. Turcologica.

Labrenz, A., Allen, S.E.M., & Pashkova, T, Wiese, H. (submitted). The three-dot sign in language contact. Pragmatics and Cognition, Special Issue "Discourse-pragmatic markers, fillers and filled pauses: Pragmatic, multi-modal, socio- and psycholinguistic perspectives."

Martynova, M., Özsoy, O. Rizou V., Szuchiz, L., Gagarina, N. & Alexiadou, A. (submitted) Demonstrative determiners: definiteness in heritage Greek, Russian and Turkish in Germany and the US. In C. Guardiano & G. Silvestri (Eds.) Syntactic Variation and Change of Heritage Languages. Languages.

Özsoy, O., Çiçek, B., Özal, Z., Sallai, B., Gagarina, N., & Sekerina, I. (in prep). Individual variation in Turkish-German heritage speakers’ predictive use of case: Remote vs in-lab eye-tracking. Cognition.

Özsoy, O., Martynova, M., Rizou, V., Alkhimchenkova, D., Bredereck, N., Çiçek, B., Özal, Z., Papavasileiou, P., Rukhiashvili, G., Gagarina, N., Szucsich, L., & Alexiadou, A. (in prep). Don’t drop it like it’s hot: Pro-drop realization in heritage Greek, Russian and Turkish. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition.

Πασπάλη, Α. & Ρίζου, Β. (to appear). Γλωσσικές επιδόσεις στην Eλληνική ως Γλώσσα Πολιτισμικής Κληρονομιάς: Πειραματικά δεδομένα παραγωγής και κατανόησης της ρηματικής μορφολογίας. Proceedings 24th ISTAL conference, Thessaloniki.

Schroeder, C., Iefremenko, K., & Öncü, M. (to appear). The postverbal position in heritage Turkish: A comparative perspective with a focus on non-clausal elements. In Z. Kalkavan-Aydın & Y. Şimşek (Eds.), Zweisprachigkeit Deutsch-Türkisch: Studien in Deutschland und in den Nachbarländern. Waxmann.

Zuban, Y., & Zerbian, S. (to appear). The effect of age and gender on global intonational features in heritage and monolingual Russian. Proc. Speech Prosody 2024.



PhD films



Each of our projects uses an example to explain how our research works and what we have already found out. All films by Katrin Neuhaus.



P1 | Nominal morphosyntax and word order in Heritage Greek across majority languages:


P2 | Morphosyntax and word order in majority English across heritage speakers:
"A mom, a child, and a little baby"



P3 | Nominal morphosyntax and word order in heritage Russian across majority languages:
"Tut i tam"



P4 | Clause combining and word order in heritage Turkish across majority languages:
"Gördum karşıdan bir araba geliyor"


P5 | Clause structure in heritage German:



P6 | Noncanonical constituent linearisation in German across heritage speakers:
"Dann ein Hund kam gelaufen"



P7 | Intonation and word order in majority English and heritage Russian across speaker populations:
"Машины чуть ли не врезалась в: всех этих пешеходных людей”




Pd | “Emerging grammars”: a cross-linguistic corpus of comparative data in heritage and majority language use:
Korpus: Vergleichen und Analysieren




Pd | “Emerging grammars”: a cross-linguistic corpus of comparative data in heritage and majority language use:
Methods of data collection


