Faculty of Language, Literature and Humanities - General Linguistics



Fritz-Huechante, Paola, Verhoeven, Elisabeth & Rott, Julian A. 2020. Agentivity and non-culminating causation in the psych domain: Cross-linguistic evidence from Spanish and Korean. In: Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 5(1): 128. 1–35. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5334/gjgl.896

Rott, Julian, Elisabeth Verhoeven & Paola Fritz-Huechante. 2020. Valence orientation and psych properties: Towards a typology of the psych alternation. Open Linguistics 6. 1–23. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/opli-2020-0020

Rott, Julian & Elisabeth Verhoeven. 2019. Tiers for fears and other emotions: A crosslinguistic approach to psych lexis and syntax. In Anja Gattner, Robin Hörnig, Melanie Störzer & Sam Featherston (eds.), Proceedings of Linguistic Evidence 2018, 326–340. Tübingen: University of Tübingen https://publikationen.uni-tübingen.de/xmlui/handle/10900/87132.

Fritz Huechante, Paola, Verhoeven, Elisabeth & Rott, Julian A.. under revision. On defeating the onset of a state: Cross-linguistic evidence from Spanish and Korean psych verbs.

Rott, Julian & Verhoeven, Elisabeth. 2019. Tiers for fears and other emotions. A crosslinguistic approach to psych lexis and syntax. In Linguistic Evidence 2018 Online Proceedings. Tübingen: Universität Tübingen.

Rott, Julian Andrej. 2016. Germanic Psych Processing. Evidence for the status of dative Experiencers in Icelandic and German. In Stolz, C. & Stolz, T. (eds.), From Africa via the Americas to Iceland. Studies on reduplication and experiencers (= Diversitas Linguarum 40), 215-320. Bochum: Universitätsverlag Dr. N. Brockmeyer.

Rott, Julian Andrej. 2015. "Phonästheme - eine randständige Kategorie". In: Sprachwissenschaft 40(1). 45-71.

Rott, Julian A. 2013. Syntactic prominence in Icelandic experiencer arguments: Quirky subjects vs. dative objects. Language Typology and Universals 66(2). 91-111.

Muysken, Pieter & Rott, Julian. 2013. "Ethnolect studies in the German and the Netherlandic area: An overview". In: Siemund, Peter; Gogolin, Ingrid; Schulz, Monika E. & Davydova, Julia (Eds.): Multilingualism and Language Diversity in Urban Areas (= Hamburg Studies on Linguistic Diversity 1). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 177-206.

Conference papers

Juni 2019. Subject agenthood and non-inception readings: Evidence from Spanish and Korean psychological verbs – Paola Fritz-Huechante, Elisabeth Verhoeven & Julian A. Rott. Workshop, Uniwersytet Wrocławski, Poland.

September 2018. A cross-linguistic perspective on the interaction of predicate structure, valence orientation and canonicity in psych expressions – Julian A. Rott, Elisabeth Verhoeven & Paola Fritz-Huechante. Syntax of the World’s Languages VIII, Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales, Paris

August 2018. Psych epiphenomena. A typology of the interplay of valence orientation and syntactic canonicity – Julian A. Rott, Elisabeth Verhoeven & Paola Fritz-Huechante 51st Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE 2018), Tallinna Ülikool, Tallinn

März 2018. Morphological directionality and event structure of the psych-alternation: the case of Spanish, Korean and Finnish – Paola Fritz-Huechante, Elisabeth Verhoeven & Julian A. Rott. Seminar, Centre de Lingüística Teòrica, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Februar 2018. A cross-linguistic empirical approach to emotion lexis and syntax – Julian A. Rott, Elisabeth Verhoeven & Paola Fritz-Huechante. Linguistic Evidence, Universität Tübingen, Tübingen.

Februar 2018. Structural effects of morphological directionality in psych verbs. A typology – Julian A. Rott, Elisabeth Verhoeven & Paola Fritz-Huechante. Argument Structure across Modalities (ASAM), Universiteit van Amsterdam, Amsterdam.

Januar 2018. Inchoative states, gradable states and (anti-)causativization in the psych domain: the cases of Spanish and Korean – Paola Fritz-Huechante, Elisabeth Verhoeven & Julian A. Rott. Endpoints, scales, and results in the decomposition of verbal predicates (ENDPOINTS), Humboldt-Universität, Berlin.

November 2017. What does take to culminate? Morphological directionality and semantics of the psych-alternation – Paola Fritz-Huechante, Elisabeth Verhoeven & Julian A. Rott. Workshop on Linguistic Variation at the Interfaces (VARINT), Universidad. Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid.

Oktober 2016. On the typology of the psych-alternation: Does morphological directionality influence syntax? – Julian A. Rott & Elisabeth Verhoeven. Linguistics Beyond and Within (LingBaW), Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski. Jana Pawła II, Lublin.

September 2016. Subjecthood and the on-line processing of dyadic psych structures. Präsentation beim Workshop Forty Years After Keenan 1976, Gent, Belgien.

Juli 2014. Von Körper, Geist und Patiens. Oblique Subjekte im Isländischen. Präsentation beim Linguistischen Kolloquium des IAAS, Bremen.

Juni 2012. Factors of Syntactic Prominence in Icelandic Experiencer Arguments. Quirky Subjects vs. Dative Objects. Präsentation auf der Non-Canonically Case-Marked Subjects, Reykjavík und Fljótshlíð, Island.

  • Typology and comparative linguistics
  • Language processing
  • Psych-verbs and non-canonical syntax
  • Morpho(phono)logy
  • Phonesthemes
  • Language change
  • Extralinguistic factors in language
  • Researcher in the Experiencer project, see the project website for further information

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Institut für deutsche Sprache und Linguistik
Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft
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10117 Berlin

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