Faculty of Language, Literature and Humanities - German in Multilingual Contexts

Kiezdeutsch - web portal


This information portal is a project of the Chair of German in Multilingual Contexts (Prof. Heike Wiese) at the Humboldt University of Berlin. It was initiated in 2007 with support by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, and is continuously updated. It provides information on Kiezdeutsch and other urban contact dialects to the general public and counteracts stereotypes and prejudices against such dialects and their speakers that are prevalent in the public discussion and in education.

Link to the Kiezdeutsch Corpus (KiezDeutsch-Korpus –KiDKo) with authentic language data.

Link to www.deutsch-ist-vielseitig.de with materials on language variation and multilingualism for kindergarten, primary school, and secondary school teachers.


Further reading:

Wiese, Heike; Tracy, Rosemarie, & Sennema, Anke (2020). Deutschpflicht auf dem Schulhof? Warum wir Mehrsprachigkeit brauchen. Berlin: Duden-Verlag.

Wiese, Heike (2012). Kiezdeutsch. Ein neuer Dialekt entsteht. München: C. H. Beck.