Faculty of Language, Literature and Humanities - Corpus Linguistics and Morphology

Corpus Linguistics and Morphology

Man­y ar­e­as of re­search re­quire the use of tex­tu­al da­ta. Cor­pus Lin­guis­tics is con­cerned with the struc­ture, proc­ess­ing and the e­val­u­ation of (e­lec­tron­ic) cor­po­ra. Cor­po­ra are col­lec­tions of texts that have been com­piled ac­cord­ing to the re­quire­ments of a par­tic­u­lar ar­e­a of re­search. Our ar­e­a of in­ter­est is in 'spe­cial' cor­po­ra such as learner cor­po­ra and his­tor­i­cal cor­po­ra, as well as cor­pus ar­chi­tec­ture.

Mor­phol­o­gy deals with the struc­ture and con­struc­tion of com­plex words. The main ar­e­as are word for­ma­tion, which gen­er­al­ly cre­ates new lem­mas (like Re­ak­ti­ons­zeit 're­ac­tion time' or Gas­pha­sen­tem­pe­ra­tur­be­stim­mung 'gas phase tem­per­a­ture ac­qui­si­tion'), and in­flec­tion, which cre­ates new word forms (Re­ak­ti­ons­zei­ten 're­ac­tion times').

Our favourite quote on mor­phol­o­gy says it all: "Mor­phol­o­gy is the con­cep­tu­al cen­tre of lin­guis­tics. This is not be­cause it is the dom­i­nant sub­dis­ci­pline, but be­cause mor­phol­o­gy is the stud­y of word struc­ture, and words are at the in­ter­face be­tween pho­nol­o­gy, syn­tax, and se­man­tics. Words have pho­nol­og­i­cal prop­er­ties, they ar­tic­u­late to­geth­er to form phras­es and sen­tences, their form of­ten re­flects their syn­tac­tic func­tion, and their parts are of­ten com­posed of mean­ing­ful small­er piec­es. [...] For this rea­son, mor­phol­o­gy is some­thing all lin­guists have to know a­bout." (Spen­cer & Zwicky, 1998, 1)

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  • Visiting Address

    Institut für deutsche Sprache und Linguistik
    Dorotheenstraße 24, 10117 Berlin

    There is no entrance from the street Dorotheenstraße. You can enter the building from Hegelplatz (Main Entrance) or through the courtyard from the Universitätsstraße.

  • Postal Address

    Institut für deutsche Sprache und Linguistik
    Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
    Unter den Linden 6
    D-10099 Berlin

  • Telephone / Fax / E-Mail

    Fon: +49 (0)30 2093 9799
    Fax: +49 (0)30 2093 9729