- Mareike Keller, Nadine Zürn, Rosemarie Tracy, Anke Lüdeling (accepted) Dynamic properties of the heritage speaker lexicon. In: Artemis Alexiadou, Shanley Allen, Mareike Keller (eds) Linguistic Dynamics in Heritage Speakers [Series: Current Issues in Bilingualism]. Language Science Press.
- Anna Shadrova, Martin Klotz, Rahel Gajaneh Hartz, Anke Lüdeling (accepted) Mapping the Mappings and then Containing them all: Quality Assurance, Interface Modeling, and Epistemology in Complex Corpus Projects. In: Artemis Alexiadou, Shanley Allen, Mareike Keller (eds) Linguistic Dynamics in Heritage Speakers [Series: Current Issues in Bilingualism]. Language Science Press.
- Uyanik, Esra, Sven Oliver Müller, Anke Lüdeling, Thomas Krause (accepted) Differenzierung und Standardisierung. Zur Entwicklung von Registern. In: Grzegorz Pawłowski, Małgorzata Guławska, Paweł Bąk (eds) Historische Fach- und Wissenschaftstexte kontrastiv.
- Martin Klotz, Rahel Gajaneh Hartz, Annika Labrenz, Anke Lüdeling, Anna Shadrova (2024) Die RUEG-Korpora: Ein Blick auf Design, Aufbau, Infrastruktur und Nachnutzung multilingualer Forschungsdaten. Ressourcenartikel. In: Zeitschrift für germanistische Linguistik 52 (3), 578-592.
- Milena Kuehnast, Konstantin Schulz & Anke Lüdeling (2024) Development of basic reading skills in Latin: A corpus-based tool for computer-assisted fluency training. In: Cogent Education 11(1). - Robert Lange, Bianca Sell, Megumi Terada, Malte Belz, Christine Mooshammer, Anke Lüdeling (2024) Schwa realisation in verbal inflection in two dialogue registers of German spontaneous speech. Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft.
- Lüdeling, Anke and Szucsich, Luka and Zeige, Lars Erik and Adli, Aria and Alexiadou, Artemis and Belz, Malte and Bouzouita, Miriam and Bunk, Oliver and Dreyer, Malte and Egg, Markus and Feulner, Anna Helene and Fleischer, Jürg and Gagarina, Natalia and Hirsch, Aron and Jannedy, Stefanie and Knoeferle, Pia and Krause, Thomas and Kutscher, Silvia and Liu, Mingya and Lütke, Beate and Machicao y Priemer, Antonio and Maquate, Katja and Merino Hernández, Laura and Meyer, Roland and Mooshammer, Christine and Müller, Stefan and Sauerland, Uli and Sauermann, Antje and Schmitt, Viola and Schumacher, Nicole and Serova, Dina and Solt, Stephanie and Vander Klok, Jozina and Verhoeven, Elisabeth and Waltereit, Richard and Weirich, Melanie and Wiese, Heike (2024) Register: Language Users' Knowledge of Situational-Functional Variation. Proposal frame text, CRC 1412 Register, Phase II. In: REALIS: Register Aspects of Language in Situation. Volume 3,
- Malte Belz, Bianca Sell, Robert Lange, Megumi Terada, Christine Mooshammer, Anke Lüdeling (2023) BeDiaCo (L1-L1) und CoNNAR (L1-L1/L2). Freie und aufgabenorientierte spontansprachliche Dialoge in direkter und videobasierter Kommunikation. In: Marc Kupietz / Thomas Schmidt (eds) Neue Entwicklungen in der Korpuslandschaft der Germanistik. Gunter Narr Verlag, Tübingen, 159-169.
- Nico Lehmann, Dina Serova, Julia Lukassek, Sophia Döring, Frank Goymann, Anke Lüdeling, Roodabeh Akbari (2023) Guidelines for the Annotation of Parameters of Narration. In: REALIS (Register Aspects of Language in Situation) 2,
- Lüdeling, Anke, Julia Lukassek, Roodabeh Akbari (2023) Guidelines for the Morphological Annotation of Nouns in the Falko Learner Corpus. In: REALIS (Register Aspects of Language in Situation) 2,
- Pescuma, Valentina N. , Dina Serova, Julia Lukassek, Antje Sauermann, Roland Schäfer, Aria Adli, Felix Bildhauer, Markus Egg, Kristina Hülk, Aine Ito, Stefanie Jannedy, Valia Kordoni, Milena Kühnast, Silvia Kutscher, Robert Lange, Nico Lehmann, Mingya Liu, Beate Lütke, Katja Maquate, Christine Mooshammer, Vahid Mortezapour, Stefan Müller, Muriel Norde, Elizabeth Pankratz, Angela G. Patarroyo, Ana-Maria Ple?ca, Camilo R. Ronderos, Stephanie Rotter, Uli Sauerland, Britta Schulte, Gediminas Schüppenhauer, Bianca Maria Sell, Stephanie Solt, Megumi Terada, Dimitra Tsiapou, Elisabeth Verhoeven, Melanie Weirich, Heike Wiese, Kathy Zaruba, Lars Erik Zeige, Anke Lüdeling, Pia Knoeferle (2023). Situating language register across the ages, languages, modalities, and cultural aspects: Evidence from complementary methods. Frontiers in Psychology, section Language Sciences.
- Schnelle, Gohar; Mathilde Hennig, Carolin Odebrecht & Anke Lüdeling (2023) Historische Korpora in sprachhistorisch germanistischer Hochschullehre. Anregungen, Beispiele Perspektiven. Beiträge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur 145(2), 175-217.
- Hirschmann, Hagen, Anke Lüdeling, Anna Shadrova, Dominique Bobeck, Martin Klotz, Roodabeh
Akbari, Sarah Schneider, Shujun Wan (2022) FALKO Eine Familie vielseitig annotierter Lernerkorpora des Deutschen als Fremdsprache. In: Zeitschrift Korpora Deutsch als Fremdsprache (KorDaF), 2(22). - Lüdeling, Anke, Alexiadou, Artemis, Adli, Aria, Donhauser, Karin, Dreyer, Malte, Egg, Markus, Feulner, Anna Helene, Gagarina, Natalia, Hock, Wolfgang, Jannedy, Stefanie, Kammerzell, Frank, Knoeferle, Pia, Krause, Thomas, Krifka, Manfred, Kutscher, Silvia, Lütke, Beate, McFadden, Thomas, Meyer, Roland, Mooshammer, Christine, Müller, Stefan, Maquate, Katja, Norde, Muriel, Sauerland, Uli, Solt, Stephanie, Szucsich, Luka, Verhoeven, Elisabeth, Waltereit, Richard, Wolfsgruber, Anne, Zeige, Lars Erik (2022) Register: Language Users’ Knowledge of Situational-Functional Variation. Frame text of the First Phase Proposal for the CRC 1412. REALIS (Register Aspects of Language in Situation), 1-58,
- Schnelle, Gohar; Carolin Odebrecht, Anke Lüdeling, Catharina Fischer & Laura Perlitz (2022): "Blumenzeit der Frau". The development of medical references to menstruation. In: Turo Hiltunen & Irma Taavitsainen (Hrsg.) Corpus Pragmatic Studies on the History of Medical Discourse. John Benjamins, 153-176.
- Wisniewski, Katrin, Anke Lüdeling & Christine Czinglar (2022) Zum Umgang mit Variation in der Lernersprachenanalyse. Perspektiven aus und für DaF/DaZ. In Deutsch als Fremdsprache 59/4, 195-206.
- Lüdeling, Anke, Hagen Hirschmann, Anna Shadrova & Shujun Wan (2021) Tiefe Analyse von Lernerkorpora. In: Henning Lobin, Andreas Witt & Angelika Wöllstein (eds) Deutsch in Europa. Sprachpolitisch - grammatisch - methodisch. IDS Jahrbuch 2020. de Gruyter, Berlin, 235-283.
- Shadrova, Anna, Pia Linscheid, Julia Lukassek, Anke Lüdeling, Sarah Schneider (2021) A Challenge for Contrastive L1/L2 Corpus Studies: Large Inter- and Intra-Individual Variation Across Morphological, but Not Global Syntactic Categories in Task-Based Corpus Data of a Homogeneous L1 German Group Frontiers in Psychology, Section Language Sciences.
- Wan, Shujun & Anke Lüdeling (2019) Discourse structure in German argumentative essays: A comparison of L1 German and Chinese learner German. Proceedings of the 5th Learner Corpus Research Conference (LCR 19), Warsaw. (poster)
- Wan, Shujun; Tino Kutschbach, Anke Lüdeling & Manfred Stede (2019) RST-Tace. A tool for automatic comparison and evaluation of RST trees. Proceedings of Discourse Relation Parsing and Treebanking (DISRPT). NAACL Workshop, Minneapolis. (poster)
- Krause, Thomas, Ukf Leser, Anke Lüdeling & Stephan Druskat (2018) Designing a Re-Usable and Embeddable Corpus Search Library. In: Proceedings of Designing a Re-Usable and Embeddable Corpus Search Library. 6th Workshop on Challenges in the Management of Large Corpora (CMLC-6, LREC-Workshop). Miyazaki, Japan.
- Belz, Malte, Simon Sauer, Anke Lüdeling & Christine Mooshammer (2017) Fluently Disfluent. Pauses and Repairs of Advanced Learners and Native Speakers of German. International Journal of Learner Corpus Research 3:2. Special Issue on Phonetic Learner Corpora, 118-148.
- Dietterle, Burkhard, Anke Lüdeling & Marc Reznicek (2017) Zur Syntax von Plauderchats. In: Michael Beißwenger (ed.) Empirische Erforschung internetbasierter Kommunikation. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter, 49-82.
- Lüdeling, Anke, Hagen Hirschmann & Anna Shadrova (2017) Linguistic Models, Acquisition Theories, and Learner Corpora: Morphological Productivity in SLA Research Exemplified by Complex Verbs in German. Language Learning. Special Issue on Language learning research at the intersection of experimental, corpus-based and computational methods: Evidence and interpretation. 67 (S1), 96-129.
- Lüdeling, Anke (2017) Variationistische Korpusstudien. In Marek Konopka & Angelika Wöllstein (eds) Grammatische Variation. Empirische Zugänge und theoretische Modellierung. IDS Jahrbuch 2016. de Gruyter, Berlin, 129-144.
- Springmann, Uwe & Anke Lüdeling (2017) OCR of historical printings with an application to building diachronic corpora: A case study using the RIDGES herbal corpus. Digital Humanities Quarterly 11(2).
- Krause, Thomas; Leser, Ulf & Lüdeling, Anke (2016) graphANNIS: A Fast Query Engine for Deeply Annotated Linguistic Corpora. Journal for Language Technology and Computational Linguistics. Special Issue on Korpuslinguistische Softwarewerkzeuge 31, 1-25.
- Lüdeling, Anke; Ritz, Julia; Stede, Manfred & Zeldes, Amir (2016) Corpus Linguistics. In: Fery, Caroline & Ishihara, Shinishiro (eds) OUP Handbook of Information Structure. Oxford University.
- Odebrecht, Carolin; Belz, Malte; Zeldes, Amir; Lüdeling, Anke & Krause, Thomas (2016) RIDGES Herbology - Designing a Diachronic Multi-Layer Corpus. Language Resources and Evaluation. doi: 10.1007/s10579-016-9374-3
- Sauer, Simon & Lüdeling, Anke (2016) Flexible Multi-Layer Spoken Dialogue Corpora. In: International Journal of Corpus Linguistics. Special Issue on Spoken Corpora (edited by John Kirk & Gisle Andersen), 419-438.
- Lüdeling, Anke & Hirschmann, Hagen (2015) Error Annotation. In: Granger, Sylviane; Gilquin, Gaetanelle & Meunier, Fanny (eds) The Cambridge Handbook of Learner Corpus Research. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 135-158.
- Lee, John; Yeung, Chak Yan; Zeldes, Amir; Reznicek, Marc; Lüdeling, Anke & Webster, Jonathan (2015) CityU Corpus of Essay Drafts of English Language Learners: A Corpus of Textual Revision in Second Language Writing. In: Language Resources and Evaluation 49(3), 659-683. DOI 10.1007/s10579-015-9301-z (pre-final version)
- Springmann, Uwe; Lüdeling, Anke & Schremmer, Felix (2015) Zur OCR frühneuzeitlicher Drucke am Beispiel des RIDGES-Korpus von Kräutertexten. Poster at the DHd (digital humanities in the German-speaking world), Graz. pdf
- Dipper, Stefanie; Lüdeling, Anke & Reznicek, Marc (2013) NoSta-D: A Corpus of German Non-Standard Varieties. In: Zampieri, Marcos & Diwersy, Sascha (eds.) Non-Standard Data Sources in Corpus-Based Research. Shaker Verlag, 69-76.
- Hirschmann, Hagen; Lüdeling, Anke; Rehbein, Ines; Reznicek, Marc & Zeldes, Amir (2013) Underuse of Syntactic Categories in Falko. A Case Study on Modification. In:Granger, Sylviane & Meunier, Fanny (eds.) 20 years of learner corpus research. Presses universitaires de Louvain, Louvain la Neuve.
- Lüdeling, Anke (2013) Coding Word-Formation Morphology in Computational Dictionaries. In: Gouws, Rufus H.; Heid, Ulrich; Schweickard, Wolfgang & Wiegand, Herbert Ernst (eds.) Dictionaries. An International Encyclopedia of Lexicography. Supplementary Volume: Recent Developments With Special focus on Computational Lexicography. Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin, 1275-1284.
- Reznicek, Marc; Lüdeling, Anke & Hirschmann, Hagen (to appear) Competing Target Hypotheses in the Falko Corpus: A Flexible Multi-Layer Corpus Architecture. In: Díaz-Negrillo, Ana, Nicolas Ballier & Paul Thompson (eds). Automatic Treatment and Analysis of Learner Corpus Data. John Benjamins, Amsterdam, 101-123.
- Lüdeling, Anke (2012) A corpus-linguistics perspective on language documentation, data, and the challenge of small corpora. In: Seifart, Frank; Haig, Geoffrey; Himmelmann, Nikolaus P.; Jung, Dagmar; Margetts, Anna & Trilsbeek, Paul (eds) Potentials of Language Documentation: Methods, Analyses, and Utilization. Language Documentation & Conservation Special Publication No. 3 at the University of Hawai‘i Press, 32-38.
- Lüdeling, Anke (ed.) (2012) special issue 'Empirie und Modellierung' In: Zeitschrift für Germanistische Linguistik.
- Crane, Gregory & Lüdeling, Anke (2012) Corpus and Computational Linguistics, Philology and the Linguistic Heritage of Humanity. Introduction to the Special Issue. In: Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage 5(1), 1:1-1:5.
- Hirschmann, Hagen; Lüdeling, Anke & Zeldes, Amir (2012) Measuring and Coding Language Change: An Evolving Study in a Multi-Layer Corpus Architecture. In: Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage 5(1), 4:1-4:15.
- Rehbein, Ines; Hirschmann, Hagen; Lüdeling, Anke & Reznicek, Marc (2012) Better Tags give Better Trees - or do they?. In: Linguistic Issues in Language Technology (LiLT), 7(10).
- Lüdeling, Anke; Hirschmann, Hagen & Zeldes, Amir (2011) Variationism and Underuse Statistics in the Analysis of the Development of Relative Clauses in German. In: Kawaguchi, Yuji; Minegishi, Makoto; Viereck, Wolfgang (eds) Corpus Analysis and Diachronic Linguistics. John Benjamins, Amsterdam. (pre-final version)
- Lüdeling, Anke (2011) Corpora in Linguistics: Sampling and Annotation. In: Grandin, Karl (Hrsg.) Going Digital. Evolutionary and Revolutionary Aspects of Digitization. [Nobel Symposium 147]. Science History Publications/USA, New York, 220-243. The book is available electronically at
- Zeldes, Amir & Lüdeling, Anke (eds) (2011) Proceedings of the 4th Quantitative Investigations in Theoretical Linguistics Conference. Berlin.
- Lüdeling, Anke & Walter, Maik (2010) Korpuslinguistik. In: Krumm, Hans-Jürgen; Fandrych, Christian; Hufeisen, Britta; Riemer, Claudia (Eds.) Handbuch Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache. (Neubearbeitung). HSK 35. Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin, 315-322.
- Reznicek, Marc; Walter, Maik; Schmid, Karin; Lüdeling, Anke; Hirschmann, Hagen; Krummes, Cedric (2010): Das Falko-Handbuch. Korpusaufbau und Annotationen Version 1.0. (pdf)
- Chiarcos, Christian; Dipper, Stefanie; Götze, Michael; Leser, Ulf; Lüdeling, Anke; Ritz, Julia; Stede, Manfred (2009) A flexible framework for integrating annotations from different tools and tagsets. In: Traitement Automatique des Langues49(2), 271-291.
- Crane, Gregory; Babeu, Alison; Bamman, David; Breuel, Thomas; Cerrato, Lisa; Deckers, Daniel; Lüdeling, Anke; Mimno, David; Singhal, Rashmi; Smith, David A. & Zeldes, Amir (2009), Classics in the Million Book Library. In: Digital Humanities Quarterly 3(1).
- Lüdeling, Anke (2009) Grundkurs Sprachwissenschaft. (Series Uni-Wissen Germanistik). Klett, Stuttgart.
- Lüdeling, Anke (2009) Rezension von Carmen Scherer: Wortbildungswandel und Produktivität. Eine empirische Studie zur nominalen -er-Derivation im Deutschen. Tübingen. Niemeyer 2005. In:Beiträge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur (PBB), 333-336.
- Lüdeling, Anke & Kytö, Merja (2009) (eds) Corpus Linguistics. An International Handbook. Vol 2. (Series Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Science). Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin.
- Lüdeling, Anke & Walter, Maik (2009) Korpuslinguistik für Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Sprachvermittlung und Spracherwerbsforschung. Extended version of Lüdeling/Walter (2010) Korpuslinguistik. In: HSK 35, Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin.
- Zeldes, Amir; Ritz, Julia; Lüdeling, Anke & Chiarcos, Christian (2009) ANNIS: A Search Tool for Multi-Layer Annotated Corpora. In: Proceedings of Corpus Linguistics 2009, July 20-23, Liverpool, UK. (pre-published version)
- Hochmuth, Mirko; Lüdeling, Anke; Leser, Ulf (2008) Simulating and reconstructing language change. Technischer Report, Institut für Informatik, Humboldt-Universität.
- Lüdeling, Anke (2008) Mehrdeutigkeiten und Kategorisierung: Probleme bei der Annotation von Lernerkorpora. In: Maik Walter & Patrick Grommes (Hrsg.) Fortgeschrittene Lernervarietäten. Niemeyer, Tübingen, 119-140.
- Lüdeling, Anke; Doolittle, Seanna; Hirschmann, Hagen; Schmidt, Karin & Walter, Maik (2008) Das Lernerkorpus Falko. In: Deutsch als Fremdsprache 2(2008), 67-73.
- Lüdeling, Anke & Kytö, Merja (2008) (eds) Corpus Linguistics. An International Handbook. Vol 1. (Series Handbooks of Linguistics and Communications Science) . Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin.
- Lüdeling, Anke & Zeldes, Amir (2008) Three Views on Corpora: Corpus Linguistics, Literary Computing, and Computational Linguistics. In: Jahrbuch für Computerphilologie 9, 149-178 .
- Hirschmann, Hagen; Doolittle, Seanna & Lüdeling, Anke (2007) Syntactic annotation of non-canonical linguistic structures. In: Proceedings of Corpus Linguistics 2007, Birmingham. (.pdf)
- Lüdeling, Anke (2007) Überlegungen zum Design und zur Architektur von diachronen Korpora. In: Sprache und Datenverarbeitung. Sonderheft Diachrone Corpora, historische Syntax und Texttechnologie 31(1-2). (guest editors: Hans Christian Schmitz & Jost Gippert), 7-14.
- Lüdeling, Anke (2007) Das Zusammenspiel von qualitativen und quantitativen Methoden in der Korpuslinguistik. In: Gisela Zifonun & Werner Kallmeyer (eds) Jahrbuch des Instituts für deutsche Sprache 2006. de Gruyter, Berlin, 28-48.
- Lüdeling, Anke; Evert, Stefan & Baroni, Marco (2007) Using Web data for linguistic purposes. In: Marianne Hundt, Caroline Biewer & Nadja Nesselhauf (eds): Corpus Linguistics and the Web. Rodopi, Amsterdam, 7-24
- Siemen, Peter; Lüdeling, Anke & Müller, Frank Henrik (2006) FALKO - Fehlerannotiertes Lernerkorpus des Deutschen. In: Proceedings of Konvens 2006, Konstanz, (.pdf)
- Lüdeling, Anke (2006) Using corpora in the classification of language relationships. In: Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik. Special Issue on 'The Scope and Limits of Corpus Linguistics' (guest editor: Volker Gast), 217-227
- Lüdeling, Anke (2006) Neoclassical word-formation. In: Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, 2nd Edition. Elsevier
- Lüdeling, Anke & Evert, Stefan (2005) The emergence of productive non-medical -itis. Corpus Evidence and qualitative analysis. In Stephan Kepser & Marga Reis (eds). Linguistic Evidence. Empirical, Theoretical, and Computational Perspectives. Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin
- Lüdeling, Anke; Walter, Maik; Kroymann, Emil & Adolphs, Peter (2005) Multi-level error annotation in learner corpora. In: Proceedings of Corpus Linguistics 2005, Birmingham
- Faulstich, Lukas C.; Leser, Ulf & Lüdeling, Anke. Storing and Querying Historical Texts in a Database. Technical Report 176 des Instituts für Informatik der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, January 2005.
- Lüdeling, Anke; Poschenrieder, Thorwald & Faulstich, Lukas C. (2005) DeutschDiachronDigital - Ein diachrones Korpus des Deutschen. Jahrbuch für Computerphilologie 2004, 119-136.
- Dipper, Stefanie; Faulstich, Lukas; Leser, Ulf & Lüdeling, Anke (2004) Challenges in Modelling a Richly Annotated Diachronic Corpus of German. In: Workshop on XML-based richly annotated corpora, Lisbon, Portugal, May 2004.
- Emil Kroymann, Sebastian Thiebes, Anke Lüdeling, Ulf Leser. Eine vergleichende Analyse von historischen und diachronen digitalen Korpora. Technical Report 174 des Instituts für Informatik der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, November 2004.
- Lüdeling, Anke & Evert, Stefan (2004) The emergence of productive non-medical -itis: corpus evidence, qualitative analysis and statistical models. In: Procedings of Linguistic Evidence, Tübingen.
- Lüdeling, Anke & Evert, Stefan (2003) Linguistic experience and productivity: Corpus Evidence for fine-grained distinctions. In: Proceedings of the 2003 Corpus Linguistics Conference, Lancaster (.pdf)
- Tschorn, Patrick & Lüdeling, Anke (2003) Morphological knowledge and alignment of English-German parallel corpora. In: Proceedings of the 2003 Corpus Linguistics Conference, Lancaster (.pdf)
- ten Hacken, Pius and Lüdeling, Anke (2002) Word Formation in Computational Linguistics in: Proceedings of Traitement Automatique de Langue Naturelle, Nancy (.pdf), (.rtf)
- Lüdeling, Anke; Schmid, Tanja and Kiokpasoglou, Sawwas (2002) On neoclassical word formation in German In Booij, Geert & van Marle, Jaap (eds) Yearbook of Morphology 2001, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 253 - 283
- Lüdeling, Anke and Schmid, Tanja (2002) Does origin determine the combinatory properties of morphological elements in German? in DeCesaris, Janet (ed): Proceedings of the Third Mediterranean Meeting on Morphology, Barcelona 2001 (.rtf)
- Lüdeling, Anke and de Jong, Nivja (2002) German particle verbs and word formation in Nicole Dehä; Ray Jackendoff; Andrew McIntyre and Silke Urban, editors, Explorations in Verb-Particle Constructions Mouton der Gruyter, Berlin.
- Lüdeling, Anke and Fitschen, Arne (2002) An integrated lexicon for the analysis of complex words in: Proceedings of EURALEX 2002 (.rtf)
- Evert, Stefan and Lüdeling, Anke (2001) Measuring morphological productivity: Is automatic preprocessing sufficient? in Paul Rayson; Andrew Wilson; Tony McEnery; Andrew Hardie and Shereen Khoja, editors, Proceedings of the Corpus Linguistics 2001 conference pp. 167 -- 175 Lancaster. Postscript - PDF
- Lüdeling, Anke (2001) On Particle Verbs and Similar Constructions in German CSLI, Stanford.
- Schmid, Tanja; Lüdeling, Anke; Säuberlich, Bettina; Heid, Ulrich and Möbius, Bernd (2001) DeKo: Ein System zur Analyse komplexer Wörter in GLDV - Jahrestagung 2001 pp. 49-57.
- Emele, Martin C.; Dorna, Michael; Lüdeling, Anke; Zinsmeister, Heike and Rohrer, Christian (2000) Semantic-Based Transfer in W. Wahlster, editor, Verbmobil: Foundations of Speech-to-Speech Translation Artificial Intelligence pp. 359-376 Springer Verlag, Berlin. HTML - Postscript
- Lüdeling, Anke (2000) Particle verbs in NLP lexicons in Ulrich Heid; Stefan Evert; Egbert Lehmann and Christian Rohrer, editors, Proceedings of the Ninth EURALEX International Congress, EURALEX 2000 pp. 625 -- 630 IMS, Stuttgart.
- Lüdeling, Anke; Evert, Stefan and Heid, Ulrich (2000) On Measuring Morphological Productivity in Ernst G. Schukat-Talamazzini Werner Zühlke, editor, KONVENS-2000 Sprachkommunikation pp. 215-220 VDE-Verlag.
- Lüdeling, Anke (1998) Strange resultatives in German: New evidence for a semantic treatment in Ralph C. Blight and Michelle J. Moosally, editors, The Syntax and Semantics of Predication. Proceedings of the 1997 Texas Linguistics Society Conference pp. 223 -- 233.
- Lüdeling, Anke (1995) Untersuchungen zu einer konzeptuellen Fundierung der lexikalischen Semantik am Beispiel des Vollverbs haben Technical report Working Papers of the Institute for Logic and Linguistics, IBM Deutschland Heidelberg.