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Workshops & Conferences
Workshops & Conferences
- AILA 2021 (postponed from AILA 2020), August 2021
Symposium Advances and challenges in spoken and multimodal learner corpus research and application, with Katrin Wisniewski (Leipzig)
- Annual Meeting of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS), Freiburg, Februar 2021 (online conference): workshop Contrastive corpus methodology and language modeling and analysis
with Anna Shadrova & Martin Klotz
- Annual meeting of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS), Saarbrücken, March 2017, workshop Register. Modeling Functional Variation, with Aria Adli (Köln).
- International Conference of the German Society for Computational Linguistics and Language Technology, Darmstadt, September 2013: Workshop Verarbeitung und Annotation von Sprachdaten aus Genres internetbasierter Kommunikation, with Michael Beißwenger and Angelika Storrer
- Annual Meeting of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS), Potsdam, March 2013, workshop Usage-Based Approaches to Morphology, with Amir Zeldes
- Quantitative Investigations in Theoretical Linguistics (QITL-4), Berlin, March 2011, with Amir Zeldes
- DFG/NEH Workshop Corpora in Teaching Languages and Linguistics, Berlin, January 2011, with Greg Crane
- DFG/NEH Workshop on Historical Texts, Boston, January 2010, with Greg Crane
- Million Books Meeting & Classics Meeting, Berlin, March 2008, with Greg Crane & Daniel Deckers
- Workshop 'Korpora und Grammatik nichtstandardisierter Sprache' at Deutsche Sprachwissenschaft in Italien, February 2008, with Christiane Pankow
- Dagstuhl-Seminar Digital historical corpora - architecture, annotation, and retrieval, December 2006, with Norbert Fuhr, Lou Burnard and Milena Dobreva
- Antragstagung DDD - ein historisches Referenzkorpus des Deutschen, Dec 2003, Berlin, with the DDD team
- Quantitative Investigations in Theoretical Linguistics, Oct 2002, Osnabrück, with Graham Katz and Harald Baayen
- DGfS, Mannheim, March 2002: Organization of the workshop: Integrating foreign words, with Nanna Fuhrhop
- DGfS, Marburg, March 2000: Organization of the workshop:
Collocations: Linguistic Description and Acquisition from text, with Petra Ludewig and Ulrich Heid
- DGfS, Düsseldorf, February 1997: Organization of the workshop: Produktive Prozesse im Lexikon, with Jeanette Chur