Faculty of Language, Literature and Humanities - Corpus Linguistics and Morphology

Carlotta Hübener

Doctoral candidate at the Department of German Studies and Linguistics


Contact Information




Education and employment

since 09/2020

Doctoral candidate at the Department of German Studies and Linguistics, supervisors: Prof. Dr. Anke Lüdeling, Prof. Dr. Melitta Gillmann

Working title: Morphologisierung. Diachrone Korpusuntersuchungen zu Rektionskomposita und verwandten Strukturen [Morphologization: Diachronic Corpus Studies on Synthetic Compounds and Similar Structures]

since 06/2023

Research assistant at the Institute of German Studies, University of Duisburg-Essen

since 04/2022

Doctoral scholarship holder of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation (Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes)


Research assistant at the Chair of German Linguistics, University of Bamberg

09/2020-08/2021 Research assistant at the German Department, University of Hamburg
01/2018-06/2018 Semester abroad, Radboud University Nijmegen

Master's degree in German Linguistics, University of Hamburg


Bachelor's degree in German Language and Literature (major) and Mathematics (minor), University of Hamburg


Research Interests

  • word-formation morphology
  • syntax
  • corpus linguistics
  • language change
  • linguistic variation
  • graphemics



  • (2024, with Renata Szczepaniak) Anfang diesen Jahres und Menschen jeden Alters. Eine Korpusuntersuchung zur n-haltigen Determiniererflexion im Genitiv Singular Maskulinum und Neutrum. In: Zeitschrift für germanistische Linguistik 52(3), 430464. (Link to paper)
  • (2023) The morphologization of German noun-participle combinations. A diachronic case study. In: Morphology 33(3), 189–223. (Link to paper, open access download)
  • (2021) What does solid spelling reveal about cognition? Evidence from Middle Low German. In: Stefan Hartmann (Ed.): Yearbook of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association 2021. Berlin, Boston: de Gruyter, 117–134. (Link to paper)
  • (2018) Nicht/keinen/kein Fußball spielen? Inkorporationsprozesse in Substantiv-Verb-Verbindungen. In: Lisa Dücker, Melitta Gillmann, Eleonore Schmitt, Annika Vieregge & Renata Szczepaniak (Eds.): Wie verändern wir Sprache? Beiträge aus einem Lehrprojekt zum Thema Sprachwandel, 8398.