Florian Zipser
This is the website of Florian Zipser.
Researcher Sonderforschungsbereich 632 (Informationsstruktur) Teilprojekt D1 (Linguistische Datenbank) KontaktInstitute for German Language and Linguistics Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Unter den Linden 6 D-10099 Berlin Telephone: +49 (0)30 2093 9720 E-Mail: f.zipser@gmx.de |
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Current Projects
LAUDATIO aims to build an open access research data repository for historical linguistic data with respect to the above mentioned requirements of historical corpus linguistics.
More information at: http://www.laudatio-repository.org/laudatio/?lang=en -
ANNIS is a serach- and visualization system for linguistic annotated data.
More information at: http://corpus-tools.org/annis/ -
PAULA is a linguistic exchange format for linguistic data. PAULA is a standoff, xml-based format for storing multi-layer corpora.
More information at: http://www.sfb632.uni-potsdam.de/en/paula. -
With SaltNPepper we provide two powerful frameworks for dealing with linguistic annotated data. SaltNPepper is an Open Source project developed at the Humboldt University of Berlin (see: http://www.hu-berlin.de/) and INRIA (Institut national de recherche en informatique et automatique, see: http://www.inria.fr/) as well. In linguistic research a variety of formats exists, but no unified way of processing them. To fill that gap, we developed a meta model called Salt which abstracts over linguistic data. Based on this model, we also developed the plugable universal converter framework Pepper to convert linguistic data between various formats.
More information at: http://corpus-tools.org/salt/ and http://corpus-tools.org/pepper/. -
Developing of an xml-serialization of the SynAF syntactic model (ISO 24615).
More information at: http://korpling.german.hu-berlin.de/tiger2/.
Former Projects
CENDARI is a research infrastructure project aimed at integrating digital archives for the medieval and World War One eras.
More information at: http://www.cendari.eu/. -
The goal of this project is to create a new generation of online translation services.
More information at: http://www.cosmat.fr/.
Summer Term 2012
Summer Term 2011
Research Interests
- Modelling of linguistic data
- (long-term) storage of linguistic data
- Infrastructures for linguistic data
- Visualization of linguistic data
F. Zipser, A. Röhrig, A. Lüdeling, M. Klotz,T. Krause, S. Druskat & V. Voigt (2015).
SaltNPepper, ANNIS & Atomic: Eine Infrastruktur für Mehrebenenkorpora.
Digital Humanities“-Tag 2015 – Digitale Ressourcen an der Philosophischen Fakultät II. Berlin, 21. May 2015. [poster]. -
F. Zipser, T. Krause, A. Lüdeling, A. Neumann, M. Stede, A. Zeldes (2015).
ANNIS, SaltNPepper & PAULA: A multilayer corpus infrastructure.
Final Conference of the SFB 632 Information Structure: Advances in Information Structure Research 2003 - 2015. Berlin, 08. - 09. May 2015. [poster]. -
F. Zipser, M. Klotz & A. Röhrig (2015).
From TEI to linguistic corpora using Pepper.
37. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft. Leipzig, 04.- 06. March 2015. [poster]. -
F. Zipser, T. Krause & A. Neumann (2015).
Interactive analysis of multi-layer linguistic corpora with ANNIS.
37. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft. Leipzig, 04.- 06. March 2015. [poster]. -
L. Romary, A. Zeldes & Zipser, F. (2014).
<tiger2/>: serialising the ISO SynAF syntactic object model.
Language Resources and Evaluation 49, 1-18. [DOI]. [preprint]. -
Zipser, F. (2014).
SaltNPepper und das Formatpluriversum.
LAUDATIO Workshop 2014. Berlin, 07.- 08.10.2014.[slides]. -
S. Druskat, L. Bierkandt, V. Gast, C. Rzymski, and F. Zipser (2014).
Atomic: an open-source software platform for multi-level corpus annotation.
KONVENS 2014. Hildesheim, 08.- 10.2014. [proceedings].[poster]. -
C. Odebrecht, F. Zipser (2014).
ANNIS workshop.
ANNIS SFB workshop 2014. 26.08.2014, Berlin. [ slides]. -
T. Krause, B. Weißenfels, A. Zeldes & F. Zipser (2014).
ANNIS3: Towards Generic Corpus Search and Visualization.
36. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft. Marburg, 05.- 07. March 2014. [ poster]. -
F. Zipser, M. Frank & J. Schmolling (2014).
Merging data, the essence of creation of multi-layer corpora.
36. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft. Marburg, 05.- 07. March 2014. [ poster]. -
T. Krause, C. Odebrecht, A. Zeldes & F. Zipser (2013).
Unary TEI Elements and the Token Based Corpus.
The Linked TEI: Text Encoding in the Web. Workshop on Perspectives on querying TEI-annotated data. 1.10.2013, Rom. -
A. Neumann, A. Zeldes & F. Zipser (2013).
ANNIS 3: Challenges and Innovations for Corpora in SFB632.
17th Internal Workshop of the SFB 632 / Information Structure, Lutherstadt Wittenberg, 13 June 2013. -
C. Odebrecht & F. Zipser (2013).
LAUDATIO - Eine Infrastruktur zur linguistischen Analyse historischer Korpora.
DTA-/CLARIN-D Konferenz und -Workshops: Historische Textkorpora für die Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften. Fragestellungen und Nutzungsperspektiven, Berlin 2013. -
S. Bosch, C. Key-Sun, E. De La Clergerie, A. Chengyu Fang, G. Faass, K. Lee, A. Pareja-Lora, L. Romary, A. Witt, A. Zeldes & F. Zipser (2012).
<tiger2/> as a standardized serialisation for ISO 24615 – SynAF.
Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories (TLT11). 37-60. Lisbon, Portugal. URL: http://hal.inria.fr/docs/00/76/54/13/PDF/TLT-SynAF2-Tiger2-1.pdf -
T. Krause, J. Ritz, A. Zeldes & F. Zipser (2011).
Topological Fields, Constituents and Coreference: A New Multi-layer Architecture for TüBa-D/Z
In: H. Hedeland,T. Schmidt & K. Wörner (eds.), Multilingual Resources and Multilingual Applications. Proceedings of the Conference of the German Society for Computational Linguistics and Language Technology (GSCL) 2011. (Working Papers in Multilingualism 96.) Hamburg: Universität Hamburg, 259-262. -
T. Krause, J. Ritz, A. Zeldes & F. Zipser (2011).
Topological Fields, Constituents and Coreference: A New Multi-layer Architecture for TüBa-D/Z.
Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Sprachtechnologie und Computerlinguistik (GSCL) 2011. -
F. Zipser, A. Zeldes, J. Ritz, L. Romary & U. Leser (2011).
Pepper: Handling a multiverse of formats.
33. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft. Göttingen, 23.- 25. February 2011. [ poster]. -
M. Reznicek, C. Krummes, H. Hirschmann, A. Lüdeling, A. Ensslin, J.W. Chan, A. Zeldes, T. Krause & F. Zipser (2010).
'Dass wenn man etwas will, muss man dafür arbeiten'- Zielhypothesen im Lernerkorpus Falko
31. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft, Berlin, 25 February 2010. -
F. Zipser & L. Romary (2010).
A model oriented approach to the mapping of annotation formats using standards.
In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Language Resource and Language Technology Standards, LREC 2010. Malta. URL: http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/inria-00527799/en/ -
F. Zipser (2009).
Entwicklung eines Konverterframeworks für linguistisch annotierte Daten auf Basis eines gemeinsamen (Meta-)modells..
Diplomarbeit, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Institut für Informatik. URL: http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/docs/00/60/61/02/PDF/Diplomarbeit_FZ_final.pdf -
C. Chiarcos, T. Krause, A. Lüdeling, J. Ritz, V. Rosenfeld, M. Stede, A. Zeldes & F. Zipser (2009).
Search and Visualization of Richly Annotated Corpora with ANNIS2..
31. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft. Osnabrück, 4.-6. March 2009. [ poster]. -
S. Trißl, F. Zipser & U. Leser (2007).
Applying GRIPP to XML Documents containing XInclude and XLink Elements.
Berliner XML Tage, September 2007. [link]. -
F. Zipser (2007).
Indizierung von XML-Dokumenten mittels GRIPP.
Studienarbeit, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Institut für Informatik.