Nominal morphosyntax and word order in Heritage Greek across majority languages
Artemis Alexiadou, HU Berlin
This project aims to investigate to which extent the varieties of heritage Greek in Germany and in the U.S. show novel grammatical patterns in the domain of nominal morphosyntax and word order. P1 will focus on: (i) nominal morphosyntax and word order within the DP, and its interaction with (ii) word order phenomena in the clausal domain, in particular, the left periphery, verb placement, and the relationship between word order and information structure. In line with RUEG's overall approach, P1 examines the status of noncanonical patterns, in systematic comparisons with monolingual speakers, including informal registers, from the point of view of our three joint ventures (JVs) targeting the systematicity of new developments (JVI 'Language hange hypothesis'), their placement at external vs. internal interfaces (JVII 'Interface Hypothesis'), and their contact-induced source (contact-induced change vs. language internal dynamics, JVIII 'Internal Dynamics Hypothesis').
Cooperation Partners:
Petros Karatsareas, University of Westminster
Terje Lohndal, Norwegian University of Science and Technology & UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Ianthi Tsimpli, University of Cambridge
Spyridoula Varlokosta, University of Athens