Faculty of Language, Literature and Humanities - RUEG

Faculty of Language, Literature and Humanities | Department of German Studies and Linguistics | RUEG | RUEG1 projects (2018-2021) | Pd “Emerging grammars”: a cross-linguistic corpus of comparative data in heritage and majority language use

cross-linguistic corpus of comparative data in heritage and majority language use

Anke Lüdeling, Pd 1 Heike Wiese, Pd 2

RUEG Corpus

  • We are happy to announce the first public release of our corpus. The publication to cite is https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3236068. This URL will always point to the latest release of the RUEG corpus, so it is easy to cite the most recent corpus version even before its release.

What is "pd"?


Pd is the key project providing the unified environment that is necessary for the development of a joint empirical basis in RUEG: a cross-linguistic corpus of comparative data based on a common methodology. We will support all other projects methodologically and corpuslinguistically in domains of data collection, corpus building, retrieval, and architecture.

Cooperation partners

  • Stefanie Dipper, University of Bochum

    Michael Putnam, Penn State University

    Peter Rosenberg, Viadrina Frankfurt/Oder 

    Amir Zeldes, Georgetown University


PhD students

Pd 1 - Martin Klotz

Pd 2 - Annika Labrenz



bbbb-Interview with Martin Klotz (Pd1-Corpus) from Berlin


When did you start working at RUEG?
I  joined  the  project  right at  the  beginning:  May  1, 2018.

How  would  you  describe  your    research    to    your    grandparents - and in what language?
The answer would be in German, since my family is majorly from Thüringen. It could happen I‘d pick up some dialect while being around them, but that‘s all. If they were to ask me what we do exactly in Pd, I‘d tell them the research unit is collecting data and we are the ones to guarantee it has  the  shape  to  be  investigated - and to answer everybody‘s questions.

Which  part  of  your  RUEG  research  project  are  you  most  looking forward to?
I am really looking forward to the point of having data collection and all the baseline an-notations completed. Then we can  focus  on  project  specific needs and annotations, prob-lems that might still be a puzzle and allow getting creative